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Need A Recomended Price


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very much so. the cash went to a good cause. and I managed to turn my donation of $3,900 into $10,000 for the school.


the unfortunate problem is I was still stuck at home on the couch :( while my wife went. she bid on so much crap I don't know what we're going to do with it. we now have a trip for 4 to mexico (like that'll work with a 4 1/2 year old and 16 month old) for 2 weeks, a new portable DVD system for the car (strange, the durango and the excursion both have those already... and all 4 of us never go anywhere in the broncos or the F-350), a bird bath (dogs'll wreck that in a week trying to drink out of it), and a butt load of gift certificates for oil changes (no one but me does that to my trucks), restraunts, and cat grooming (for best results with our cat, a chipper shredder would be perfect)


and to top things off, she's now volunteered to be chair the auction comitee :( she signed me up to work in the computer area (all the book keeping and payments are done on computers). the kick in the balls to that task is that it's my dad's project. he developed the system they've been using and perfecting for 6 years. the P 166mmx's they're using came from his company and are stored all year except for 2 days... now they're going to put Mr. Oldschool (my dad) and Captain Overkill (me) together for yet another project there.... last time we did all the wiring, servers and work stations in the school. All that on top of having to out do this years rigs to auction off!

Edited by bigred

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