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that really sux man. seems like something is taking up system resources in a bad way. as of the cause, it's a computer. those things are still a mystery to me today, lol. sometimes they just don't make sense. maybe you should format it and start all over. at least then you would know whether it's hardware or software related. what about viruses??? boot sector virus maybe? who knows man. just throwing out some suggestions to ya. hope that you get it up and working soon.

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I titled this message, Bewilderment, for a good reason... Normally I am fairly good with PCs and troubleshooting, and if I don't know what's up, I know where to find the answer... Heck, I've done support for various people for almost 6 years now, but this just baffles me.


I don't know if this is OS related, heat related, current related, or what... I've never run into a prooblem like this before...


System resources are fine, actually they are great. :) I've not downloaded anything illeagle/pirited lately that could contain a virus, and if I somehow did get something, my virus scanners should pick it up, as the system virus scan as well as my server/client virus software is up to date...


I have very tempted to fdisk and start over with a new OS, but doing so would require me to have to contact microsoft should I go with XP again... or I could go the 2K route.... either way, it'd take me at least 5 hours to restore everything for this system... so, I won't be able to do it before vacation... :(




I wish I knew what was up.... it's really bugging me.

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that same thing has happend to my computer a few times, im at a point where i have 4 harddrives and the only thing that goes on my main 20 gig is WinXP... i dont even install programs to it anymore because im down to formatting once a month at least! i just know that when the sound goes its time to format, its like a bad bios viri but its not cause i have a dual bios and have switched already a few times! but i bet a format would fix it, sorry to say so. also check to see if system is excessivly dusty inside it usually doesnt do anything but i have had instances where smoke came from a capacitor on the mb and it was toast because of the dust!

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Read the origional message... no dust. :P


When XP first came out, I reinstalled it every 30 days... before XP, I was on 2K, and had it automated to ghost the system every 35 days....


It was nice, could do it all... But as I've been busy at work for the past 3 months, I haven't had much of the chance to blow the OS away... one of the main problems is VS.NET.. it takes over an hour to install...


As I've told LinuXProX, I'd like to move all my PCs over to RedHat, but where I work is currently making/using apps that run on Oracle 9iAS/8.1.7DB... and they are currently looking at moving it all to .NET... so right now I have to have a nice system running Windows... But, I would like to, and I'm attempting to recreate the program using PHP, and if I manage this feat, I can go full out Linux... which would be nice.


Then there is always the game issue... Windows has a 1 up on Linux...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.... Leave it to Microsoft...


The magic commands solved everything...


fdisk /everyfreekingthing

format c: /FS:ntfs

format d: /FS:ntfs

format e: /FS:ntfs

format f: /FS:ntfs

format g: /FS:ntfs

format h: /FS:ntfs


Re-installed XP, updated, patched, waited, updated, patched, and guess what... everything works again, suprise suprise...


Now, just need to finish installing the other crap...


Also noticed this a moment ago...


"Windows XP Professional

Build 2600"


Can you spot the irony in that? I bet LinuXProX see's it... :)




On a side note, passed through B'ham on my way to FL... nice town ya'll got there... Stoped and ate breakfast at a Crackle Barrel just outside the city...

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Congrats on getting it to work. It always sucks to hear a problem can't be fixed w/o a reinstall. Reinstalling NEVER comes at a good time, and its always a pain. Either way, I hope it stays working for yah!


Is this a common problem in WindowsXP? I have heard good things about XP, but haven't heard of having to reinstall it all the time.

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haha 2600


Ne ways...


Yeah I had that board.. the TUA266,

becarful with the second to bottom.. PCI slot.. I went to take out my netcard.. and the Slot came with it..


So Im using an old dell board right now..



ur problem happen to me!

its gotta be that danged bored.. I ended up buying a new Harddrive..


I thought it was that.. and it worked..


theres something waked up with those ASUS TUA266 boards..

they can overclock the P3 like a Mother! but dang.. they are a pain in the hyde..



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Also noticed this a moment ago...


"Windows XP Professional

Build 2600"


Can you spot the irony in that? I bet LinuXProX see's it


Have U read any of the 2600 issues lately?(it's really gone down hill with the content). If that was what u were refering to?

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