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Pent's Gt->ultra Mod/ocing Log

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(Same 1st post as at VO.)


Well, I tried the GT -> Ultra flash on the BFG 6800GT OC with no success...yet. The upside is that I didn't ruin my card...yet :D


Every time I try to flash, I get: "Cannot open swap file C:\cwsdpmi.swp" when the flash begins, then I get:

"I/O error: Cannot Open file: 6800U_ROM.rom" It shows up on the disk, but I even try to force it to flash....nothing...although I'm not man enough to use the -e command just yet


I got a little antsy not being able to pull off the mod, so I decided to try OC'ing it to Ultra speeds (425/1100) with stock cooling.

It pulled it off quite nicely with the card never topping 65C. Which apparently is pretty decent for the stock cooler on this card..

Only problem is, it doesn't seem to yield very many extra 3DMarks.


Here it is with cpu at 250Mhz (3.75Ghz) and card at stock...



I ran 3DM03 once bone stock, cpu and card as it boots...



Then over the afternoon and evening, I oc'd the cpu back up to 235Mhz, 1:1 and then got the card to 425/1100.

It only yielded another 160 points...what gives?



I even tried Master's Tweak Guide. We won't even go into that craptacular-ness. Not his guide, my scores after following it.


Here's Bone stock with tweaks at 8x6...10 points worse



..and again, stock at 10x7...ANOTHER 10 points lower.




..I wonder what a successful Ultra flash will do?

Edited by Pent uP Rage

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Guest Silenc3

Now that'd just be smart pent, I dont think you shoudl try, Might hurt yourself.







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Yeah, that is weird. You should be in the high 12k-low-13k range at 425/1100. Driver options- did you set AA/AF to "App Perf", textures to 'high performance'? Vsync off? Mobo drivers installed? What drivers are you using?

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Yeah, that is weird. You should be in the high 12k-low-13k range at 425/1100. Driver options- did you set AA/AF to "App Perf", textures to 'high performance'? Vsync off? Mobo drivers installed? What drivers are you using?



Yeah, I expected it to at least break 12000 <_<

All the driver options are set right. I AM using the 66.93 drivers cause the 71.xx drivers SUCKED A$$ on this card. After installing the 71.xx's, my temps jumped about 12C, framerates dropped significantly, and overall performance was just crap. But, I haven't tried any of the new 74.xx's yet. That's next on the list.



BTW, anyone know why I'm getting those errors when I attempt to flash? I'm just stumped.

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Try the xtreme g 67.03's. I had pretty good luck with those ones. Your 3dmark scores dont really seem right either. With my amazing 6800NU, 16 pipes unlocked and at 395/835 I was getting around 11.2-11.4k in 3dmark... with my athlon xp @ 2.3ghz! I think I get around 11.8k with my A64.. can't remember. I mainly just play games now :D

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It's even higher than the 250Mhz cpu OC/stock card 3DM03 run.


I'm gonna slowly take 'er up a little more tonight, then I gotta go play some! :P



-EDIT- The cpu was NOT at stock. It was still at 235Mhz(3.5Ghz) from yesterday's runs. The card WAS at stock(270/1000). Sorry. Still using 76.44 drivers though.


BUT, I did bump the cpu up to 3.6Ghz and the card to 280/1050...here's what it came up with. I'm happy so far. I'll reserve too much excitement 'til it gets back up to Ultra speeds. But I would say it was all in the drivers.



I think I'm gonna mess with it a little beforeI try the flash again.

Edited by Pent uP Rage

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