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How To Flash A Video Card


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come on guys some people are going to try this. lol


lol, why wont my x850xt pe bios work on my tnt2??? You owe me a card guys! :lol:

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With some cards, like flashing a 6800GT to Ultra or x800 Pro to XT, it gives the gpu and mem a little more volts and allows you to OC a little more. I've seen people who could only OC their card so far, then after flashing it to a better one they could OC farther. However, you can only flash a card to a card in the same series; for example a geforce 5900 to 5900 Ultra or 9800 Pro to XT.


There are things to consider before flashing such as the memory interface of both cards, how much ram they have, and if your card can OC to the speeds of the other card before flashing.


vooduu child: Have you tried OCing your bfg 5700 le? Mine would OC to 451/451 out of the box and to 475/451 with a fan under it.

Edited by Celcius

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wow.you got your 5700le to 451/451.how many incriments should i safely go up at a time,plus the higher you oc a card wont you see artifacts or pic comes in choppy?

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