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I use Asus MOBOs, but I have always avoided their vid cards. And, now I also avoid their cases!


Quote from xaeniac 2/18/2005 8:25:12 PM:


"This case brings me back to the photon torpedo days. It reminds me of Star Trek. It's front intakes makes my computer go warpspeed. I can hardly contain myself on the sleekness and aerodynamics of this case. All the air goes around it and the intakes suck in all the cold air. If you are a true pc enthusiast look no further than the asus vento 3600. Scotty, Warp factor 10. Engage!!"




'Nuff said.

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not this POS again.... <_<



ITs Fugly.


ITs the crap if you ask me. <_<


Horrible interior, and eXterior.


And then a disgusting door.


Doors are the WORST thing on a case, I just dont see the point. One of my mates has a Case with door, and all it does is get in the way.


...and if you ask me, it looks ugly having a door too.


Espicaly if you hav a Fan Control or LCD, you want to show it off/hav easy access, not some ugly door blocking it.

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well i think... they look a lot like the alienware ones... and ive reading the reviews.. and they have great airflow



You've read that the ASUS case has great airflow?

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not this POS again.... <_<

ITs Fugly.


And then a disgusting door.


Doors are the WORST thing on a case, I just dont see the point. One of my mates has a Case with door, and all it does is get in the way.




what he said.


i hate having doors. They may make it look a bit nicer if your cd drive and floppy and all that are different colors but they are so annoying.

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Guest Silenc3
not this POS again.... <_<

ITs Fugly.


ITs the crap if you ask me. <_<


Horrible interior, and eXterior.


And then a disgusting door.


Doors are the WORST thing on a case, I just dont see the point. One of my mates has a Case with door, and all it does is get in the way.


...and if you ask me, it looks ugly having a door too.


Espicaly if you hav a Fan Control or LCD, you want to show it off/hav easy access, not some ugly door blocking it.



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