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I've Been Tucked Up!


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If you look at my recent posts you will see I've been moaning about my 9600xt benches and now I've found out why, I ordered a Powercolor 9600xt from a large online store but they sent me a Mediamax (?) one, which had no heatsinking, when I called them they said they had sent me an equivalent product as they were out of stock, and I could return it if I wished, I decided (stupidly) to keep it. It (and I don't know HOW I've missed this) is memory crippled to 400MHZ!!! (2 x 200), using ATITool to lift it to the 600 it should be merely fritzes it out (inadequate cooling and cheap memory), thankfully as I got it new years eve it can go back(and will tomorrow), BEWARE MEDIAMAX 9600XT's they are memory crippled versions for Indonesia!!! (still managed 12400 in 3dmark 01!), I just cant beleive I've been o/clocking it all month from 200 mhz not 300mhz without noticing!!!!

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Bought the card from Micro-direct (in UK), now I have the weirdest no name 9700 pro, again memory crippled to 550/325 instead of 620/325!!!, how lucky am I with online retailers?!!!, only at least this time it is covered both sides with heatsink modules (on every chip!)and an aluminium anodised heatspreader. so at least I managed to clock it to standard (and a bit beyond) but boy this card HATES my CPU overclock and is totally unstable at 2.17ghz , and not that clever at 1.91, it's like the auto agp/pci lock doesn't work with it!, mind you it's punching out 5412 in 3dmark 03 and 17212 in '01 and it cost me two thirds of what the dodgy 9600xt did so I guess I'll stick with it.

In fact given that this one takes it's power from the PSU could it be the rubbish 350w psu that came in my budget case?, do you think thats likely?

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