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How Much Should I Expect To Be Paid?

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I worked in a nice, privately owned restaurant called the Marina Grog and Galley, http://www.marinagrogandgalley.com


I was a wait assistant, basically went around and picked up plates, refilled water and tea glasses, got drinks from the bar, wiped down plates and silver and glasses, etc. I got paid 4.25 + tips. The tips were about $15 a night...it was nice because i got the tips in cash the next day i worked.

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Ok, so maybe $6 an hour at starting then is what I should ask?



And, just a question: I've heard that a minor can only work a certain amount of hours per week. Does anyone know what the limit is? If it's low, then I'll just work with my step-dad(sub-contractor/electrician, I get paid $6... average a 5-6 hour workday, under-the-table pay) and make more.

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I'd say you're better off with your step-dad if you can get along with him. a dishwasher is pretty much a no future job. at least if you pickup the skills of an electrician NOW, you can take that with you down the road and go somewhere with it.


keep in mind at your age I was working for a school district as an intern not making jack. I really didn't want to get into computers then.

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Red, I'll follow your advice and work with my step-dad, then. Usually, while working, the most talking we do is discussion of things that need to be done, and the doing of them. However, we talk alot more when going to/from a site. Heck, I wouldn't know didly about car transmissions if it weren't for that.



Also, I guess that you're right about it helping out more down the road. Knowledge of electricity will be a major requirement for hardware engineering... along with Calc and Algebra.

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one thing my dad taught me was, asking never hurts.  they say $6 an hour, ask for more.  the worst the will happen will be they say no.  but you might get more.  and you wont lose the job if u ask.




Two words:


Oliver Twyst.

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I worked at a local hoagie place over for 6 months. I was 14 at the time, but was turning 15 in a couple of weeks. Since this was my first "real" job I didnt put anything under the salary section I just left it blank. They gave me a $5.50 an hour to start, but after I knew what the hell I was doing they bumped me up to $5.75. I wasnt doing just dishwashing, although most of the time I was, I did alot of frying and grill work too.


Usually you have to have working papers if your under 16 (I think), but when I asked them if I needed them they said not to worry about it. My dad works in the restuarant business and said that I am supposed to have them, but if I dont then I'm not going to be the one getting in trouble, it'll be them. Everything was under the table for me.


If they were to go by the working paper rules then I never would have gotten a job there. If you work nights (I had to because of school) then you work from 5-11pm and working papers would only allow me to work until 7pm becuase of my age.


Under the table is the way to go if you can.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know where you come from, KB, but I know that Washingtons labor laws wouldn't allow you to be a dishwasher. In Washington, 14 and 15 year olds can work, but under severe limitations. They must always be in sight of the customer, and can only work mid-day shifts for most of the school year.


I recently quit my job and have been applying at some local businesses. I've been putting "minimum wage" as the desired pay because I live in Washington, and we have the highest minimum wage in the country. At $7.35 an hour, there is no way any local businesses can afford to start newcomers at above minimum. I'll wait a couple months, work my butt off, then see about a raise.

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you are so lucky. i always wanted to get a job. i want to, but my mom says,

"Who would hire a 14 year old?" and she won't let me.

but a job would be great for me.

plus I do nothing after school.


4-9 week days. 1am-6am

@ 5$ a hour i could have 175 a week. darn. that more than 1/3 my computer's cost

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