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Using My Hp Recovery Cds To Use On Homebrew


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i really dont want to pay 100 dollars for xp home when im building my homebrew. I legally own the os, right, because i bought my hp, but can i run them on my homebrew the cds, thare are like 7 cds and i recived them from hp directly after a hdd failure and wanted me to self servcse. Also, what if i just swap hdds and go ahead if i need to reformat just swap again. Im on a budget so thats why im so cheap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most manufacturer rebuild cd's check to see if the system you are installiing them on is one of theirs (i.e. dell, compaq, hp) While you own a license for windows XP you only own one license and that is being used on the HP. Legally you cannot load that software to another computer.


Good luck

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The OS is owned by MS and is distributed by HP to use on their systems.


By purchasing an HP system with the Windows OS, you recieve a license for that software on that system.


The software usually checks to see if you are installing it on the correct system by looking at the motherboard and otehr information (including at times a hidden HDD partition).


Even if you could get it to work on another system, it would still be illegal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

or if since this one isnt being used anymore, if you happen to ahve teh product key you can boroww a home CD, put your key in during the instal and then give them their CD back. Otherwise there is a VERY small chance that you will get that home version to work on your other system from those CDs. I think i have a Home CD around here if you need one, the guy i got it form lost his key so he gave me the CD and ive used ti to instal when other ppl forgot to bring in a CD

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