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Come Christmas Day, I Will Be Ready To Oc

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Geez, all that great stuff, then a weak 2200+. Anyway, for tips, just take it slow. Up a few MHz, then stress test. Up a few more, test. Hit your max? Back down a tad, up the voltage, and stress test some more. Or, you can do like me and just guess a moderate OC and live with it


PS - If you wanna spend your Christmas money on something, my 2600+ is for sale. $70 US shipped

Edited by InvaderTrax

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Hey gregP24...what are your bios settings to get your AMD64 3200 to 2.7? I seem to hit a wall at around 2.6. I am on watercoling also. Currently running at 21C at my OC, so it isn't a heat thing. NOt to pull away from the topic. I had an unlocked 2500Barton and could run 2.4Ghz just fine. I have seen 2200's around those speeds as well, too bad it doesn't have 512K cache. My barton i sstill for sale. 70 bucks and it is unlocked!!

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