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Calling All Photo-shop Pros


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Right, someone wants to use my photo for a front cover of a small local magazine for a student news paper. He wants my picture, but needs a certain effect. this is the effect he wants:


link to deviant art picture -looksies!



but this is MY picture (56k - be aware it is 1meg+ when downloaded - this is a link to the thumbnail)




my picture - please tart it up


Can anyone replicate this effect? Know how to? Suggest how to? Or better still, do one better, and PS it?


I would be forever in debt to whoever can do it!


Thanks in advance ppl



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if you could man, i'd be very grateful - i mean, it's not every day some random guy asks to put my pic on a magazine (no matter how big the circulation)


if anyone can give it a go....please do!


i was in an australian magazine once - granted it was an oap's mag but hey: they liked me when i was boarding them on to their ship (yeah i boarded them on their ship....aged 14...:lol:)

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er....is that easy? i have the photo-shop skills of a potato my man.



1) duplicate the layer

2) set the blending mode from "Normal" to "Color Dodge"

3) take the opacity slider on the right and then move it down to like...20% or something until it looks right.


now i'm just guessing...i don't have PS on this compy, it's just what my eye tells me.

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hmmm......i understand what you are saying, but i am no good - esp seeing as i dont have ps - i got paint shop pro. i have found the colour dodge function, but it just paints a lighter colour. i really suck at ps :(

oh....well the title says "Photoshop pros"


so i told you how to do it with photoshop lol


i don't have a clue with psp :P

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yeah i guess - thanks anyway! :D


i'm sure someone will be able to help me....i really wanna make this happen, lol


edit: @ newport - i managed that much with the black/white effect tool on psp8, but im not sure....its a tricky background to use as it's almost the same colour is the cat

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hmm....interesting - i shall find out from the guy exactly which way around he wants the definition - i assume light background, dark kitty - "a snow cat" he said was the sort of idea he had. is that any further help?


god i must be a pain in the . to people :( sorry

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