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Whats Your Fav Type Of Hardware For Computers?


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mobo (the base of all your parts)

mice (good response - mx510 or better)

monitor (hi refresh rates or uber low response times)

cpu (get a good OC one)

ram (one that keeps up with the OC)

video card



those are my fav's...but the cpu ram and video switches around sometimes...it jus really depends on what i need to upgrade at the time. But mobo is really the major factor since having a bad mobo means not being able to do much :(


mice and monitor has to be good since your using them constantly and you can easily feel the difference. B)

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If I had to put them in order....


1. CPU / Motherboard

2. Video Card / Monitor

3. Power Supply

4. Memory

5. Sound Card / Speakers

6. Hard Drives

7. Case / Cooling

8. Keyboard / Mouse

9. Optical Drives

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