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Sata Raid Is It Worth While


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Well, the cpu will do all it can (100%), but with RAID 0 you'll have two drives reading and writing instead of one. If you're encoding/converting a lot it would be a good thing to have-provided the rest of your system is pretty decent too.

RAID is a great thing to have, but it would certainly be further down the list than a fast CPU.

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its definately a LOT faster than standard IDE ATA100 or ATA133 since Raid0 is ATA 150 and you WILL notice a HUGE difference in load times over IDE harddrives - so long as the SATA drive is 10000rpms and not just 7200 - the data transfer access times for ATA133 and ATA150 using 7200 rpm harddrives is roughly the same but once the files start moving then SATA will scream the files - what you want is the 10000rpm SATA drives due to the access time - less than half that of ATA133 (IDE ATA133 7200rpm is right around 8ms, where SATA 150 10000rpm is anywhere from 3.2 to 3.8) *give or take*


as for if all of this will make your music encode faster prolly not - since the processor does most of the work of this task, the only thing you will really see a benefit by using SATA is moving large numbers of files from one location to another on your drive -



though its just GREAT to experiance how much faster everything loads but eventually this will fade and it will be "just normal" unless you have a bunch of slower computers in your house -

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