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Bush Takes 11 Point Lead!


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god.. how can you vote for a guy like bush.. he cant speek, he cant lead the .ry, he is a war mongerer, he is barbarik....



this is a quote form my grandmother, and im not directing it towards anyone realy just saying it "people are stupid, they are so stupid, 3 people in an interview said they were going to vote for bush because they did not like the way john kerry looks, 2 people said they were not going to vote because there both not eligibal canidates, more people say that they want to vote for this guy, bceause of the way he talkes"

First you are talking about how Bush cant run a country becuase of the way he looks, talks, and how he is a war mongere and how barbarric he is... Then you stupidly put a quote from your grandmother saying how people are stupid because they vote for bush because they dont like the way Kerry looks, talks, etc etc...


YOU JUST CALLED YOURSELF STUPID! :lol: Get your own facts straight and then post a comment WORTHY of reading...



It seems that Kerry is not the only democrat that flip flops on his subjects... :rolleyes:

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buddy.. read my post more carfully, thoes are not facts that i am emphisizing.. thoes are just little rants..


EDIT: first.. that is not my quote.. second.. i did not mention on how stupid bush looks did i?? I am saying.. people vote for all the wrong reasons..


the vote based on the presidents looks, not facts.. read on in my post.. let say.. these parts..


bush also wanted to go to war befor he was in office.. its ture.. bush has ties with the osama familly, bush has oil ties with many terrist nations... who cares about oil.. i would rather pay a load of money for oil then pay the price of igrnorince in our own government.. we have lost MILLIONS of jobs.. and our economy was a growing economy when Clintion left, and he has single handeldy turned a billion dollar surpluss into the biggest defficet EVER.. now


YOU TELL ME.. how is a contry suppose to run when we have such a defficet.. give the rich more and more and more tax breakes until the por are diminished from the face of the earth! or until evereone who i alive is just rich.. is that the way we do it.


or do we start to pay of this debt.. tax the rich more... tax the amrican people more.. and use some of that money for medicare, for social security, for stem cell reserch, for importing drugs from other countries to cut down on the cost of percrioption durgs that SO MANY americans still canot afford.


MY medication is adviar, it is esential for ashma.. it keeps me from haveing an ashma attack every day.. that drug cost over 120 dollars to the average american without insurence.. go to canida.. you will find that same drug for less then 60 dollars..


or governemt is becomming corrupt.. john kerry has a real plan.. not some UNREALISTC ideas and LIES to get ellected..


now you look at the debates from 2000 and it you can find 1 god darn thing that mr gwb has done that he said he would do.. i would like for you to tell me..


he said he would create jobs.. and he clames he did.. but its a drop in the bucket.. 4 million+ jobs lost and only 1 million gained back?? now how is that growth.. you may just say he has lost 3 million and gained nothing..


He said we would have a better medicar system.. yet my granmother is loosing her coverage.. he said there would be more money in the pockets of americans, yet my mother cant afford to by a bed..


now, you thing deep and hard.. deep and hard...


this is a quote form my grandmother, and im not directing it towards anyone realy just saying it "people are stupid, they are so stupid, 3 people in an interview said they were going to vote for bush because they did not like the way john kerry looks, 2 people said they were not going to vote because there both not eligibal canidates, more people say that they want to vote for this guy, bceause of the way he talkes"


now you tell me.. THE average american is basically clueless, and if more americans could be as smart as they should, if more americans studeyed each canidate, if more americans would give a crap on whats going on besides there own life, kerry would be pulling ahead..


now 10's of thousands of protesters, mabe millions, protesting the republican convention.. and they get about 10 min of coverage.. does that not say somthing to the american people.. there were protesters on the democratic convention.. but not even 1/4 of as many..


we need to pull together as a nation, and relise the danger that we are truely in for..


the guy tryes to get in the office because he is a :boren again christion: now im not saying there is anything wong with religion, BUT when you use it as an excuse to get into our government by playing with the poeples minds, then that is wong.


i cant stress enough.. on why kerry needs to be elected.. i swear.. if i could get news coverage for 1 hour, in an intervew with some one.. i would change that bounce.. i would make the american people see, i would let them know what is realy worong



btw.. read the rules.. no bashing other members..

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he cant speek, he cant lead the .ry, he is a war mongerer, he is barbarik,

A war monger? A bit harsh there don't ya think? He made a decision, based on information provided to him, that something needed to be done to protect you, me, and America. This is not mongering, it is defense and preservation. Had presidents in the past not made similar decisions, we (and other nations) might be speaking a totally different languages.


he lets Dick Cheney run the .ry, he has ruined our relationship with improtant alies that we so desperetally need,

Which relationship is that? France? Germany? I guess you missed the part where we kissed and made up, didn't you?


he has made america weeker

No, I'm pretty sure the reduction of the US Military caused that. ;)


we have lost MILLIONS of jobs.. and our economy was a growing economy when Clintion left, and he has single handeldy turned a billion dollar surpluss into the biggest defficet EVER..

The actions of a president take years to come around. A low economy because someone is president doesn't make it their fault. Most likely, it's due to actions of the former president, or even the one prior to that.


YOU TELL ME.. how is a contry suppose to run when we have such a defficet..

We are still here, aren't we? Still running, aren't we?


give the rich more and more and more tax breakes until the por are diminished from the face of the earth!  or until evereone who i alive is just rich.. is that the way we do it. 

Umm.. yeah, I am so rich... I benefited from the tax break, and I enjoyed the refund. Many friends of mine, and my family also enjoyed the breaks, especially the one dealing with children.


or do we start to pay of this debt.. tax the rich more... tax the amrican people more..

Yeah, that's what everyone wants. More taxes. Sure, that'll win people over. How about a revision to the tax system? Flat tax maybe?


and use some of that money for medicare, for social security

Why? By the time you are old enough, these programs will gone. They were poorly planned out, and need some drastic revisions if they will survive. Personally, I don't expect to see any Social Security.


importing drugs from other countries to cut down on the cost of percrioption durgs that SO MANY americans still canot afford.

How about we stick to the USA? One of the main reasons people can't afford drugs is because of the ridiculous prices companies set on them. Need another reason? Because many people don't prioritize or save. Do you need a computer or broadband? No, you want it. Do you need medicine? Yes.


Perhaps instead of importing pharmaceuticals, we should put more money into education, eh? Teach people how to spell, grammar, and even how to invest, or get a job?


that drug cost over 120 dollars to the average american without insurence.. go to canida.. you will find that same drug for less then 60 dollars..

Going outside the country is just another reason prices keep going up. Why don't we buy from the US, and support those who are working in the US? No need for US jobs if we're going to go buy stuff elsewhere. ;)


or governemt is becomming corrupt

This is new to you? As long as you have politicians in government, it'll be corrupt. You think Kerry is any different?


john kerry has a real plan

To bad even he doesn't know what it is.


now you look at the debates from 2000 and it you can find 1 god darn thing that mr gwb has done that he said he would do.. i would like for you to tell me..

I think there were a few things that change his original direction since he was elected. I can say I'm going to run in the NY marathon next year, but if I lose both of my legs, will you call me a liar if I don't run? Things change.


4 million+ jobs lost and only 1 million gained back?? now how is that growth.. you may just say he has lost 3 million and gained nothing..

It takes time. Is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?


now, you thing deep and hard.. deep and hard...

That doesn't even make since.


THE average american is basically clueless, and if more americans could be as smart as they should, if more americans studeyed each canidate, if more americans would give a crap on whats going on besides there own life, kerry would be pulling ahead..

Matter of opinion, don't ya think?


now 10's of thousands of protesters, mabe millions, protesting the republican convention.. and they get about 10 min of coverage.. does that not say somthing to the american people.. there were protesters on the democratic convention.. but not even 1/4 of as many..

Who cares about protectors at the DNC or the RNC? Coverage? I'm not watching the protectors, I'm watching the convention. <_<


we need to pull together as a nation, and relise the danger that we are truely in for..

Exactly. That's why I support Bush.


if i could get news coverage for 1 hour, in an intervew with some one.. i would change that bounce.. i would make the american people see, i would let them know what is realy worong

I'm sure the words of 17-year old will weigh hard on those older. Those who have been around for a while and seen how America is, and how it changes from leader to leader.


Give it up, you don't know it all. You are still inexperianced (as we all are).


You were making fun of Bush because he can't speak, people could say the same thing about your typing abilities.


I can give you the names of over 3,000 people that will be out of work if Kerry is elected. My name being one of them. The facility I work at, and others like it, will be shut down if Kerry is elected. Of course, you'd probably want that since it is a National Security Complex, that deals with enriched uranium.


I'd rather have Clinton back that Kerry.


If you think Kerry is so good for us, why don't you ask Sentitor (D) Zell Miller what he thinks about Kerry? - IMO, that is why the polls favor Bush.

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haha.. you make me laugh.. because surley, you must be kidding me.. now.. lets think for a sec..


you want to keep your job (this is in general) right? your a skilled steal worker that makes parts for bridges in america. You enjoy your job alot..


o NO.. mr bush things it would be better to send you job over seas so it will be cheeper to build these bridges in AMERICA..


what just happined??


you were payed to go over seas, train others to do your job.. now you have no job.. oops.. jobs lost.. none gained..


now thats bringing are country togetther right. ??


quote from kerry


"if you give the american worker a fair playing feald, there is no one in the world that the american worker cant compeat agenst"


i want you all to watch his speech.. dont lisnin to me.. because i am a babeling baffoon.. i cant remember 1/2 the stuff anyway.. but lisin to the man himself..



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second.. i did not mention on how stupid bush looks did i?? I am saying.. people vote for all the wrong reasons..


I agree...

Look at Clinton!


oh and


mr bush things it would be better to send you job over seas so it will be cheeper to build these bridges in AMERICA..


Please post FACTUAL sources




and I have listened to the speeches, but it is the voting records that make a difference to me

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"if you give the american worker a fair playing feald, there is no one in the world that the american worker cant compeat agenst"


Remember the movie 'Office Space'? Remember Peter Gibbons? He said, Eight Bob. So that means when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired. '


If we give our workers an even playing field, they also will only work just hard enough to not get fired because they have no motivation to succeed and get promoted etc etc.

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<Entire post, wont quote whole thing b/c of height>

:withstupid: I didnt want to go through that long post above my last one because I knew someone else would ;) But I completely agree w/ d3 except the part about rather having Clinton back than Kerry, since he was pretty effective in doing things that I dont agree with. :lol:

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haha.. you make me laugh.. because surley, you must be kidding me.. now.. lets think for a sec..


you want to keep your job (this is in general) right?  your a skilled steal worker that makes parts for bridges in america.  You enjoy your job alot..


o NO.. mr bush things it would be better to send you job over seas so it will be cheeper to build these bridges in AMERICA..


what just happined??


you were payed to go over seas, train others to do your job.. now you have no job.. oops.. jobs lost.. none gained..


now thats bringing are country togetther right. ??


quote from kerry


"if you give the american worker a fair playing feald, there is no one in the world that the american worker cant compeat agenst"


i want you all to watch his speech.. dont lisnin to me.. because i am a babeling baffoon.. i cant remember 1/2 the stuff anyway.. but lisin to the man himself..



Congratulations on making yourself look like even more of an .. D3 comes at you with a well worded, well though out argument, and you make up a story that doesnt even make sense.


You even said it yourself

i want you all to watch his speech.. dont lisnin to me.. because i am a babeling baffoon.. i cant remember 1/2 the stuff anyway.. but lisin to the man himself..


So please "babeling baffoon" stop posting crap you admit that you cant even remember the half of.




:withstupid: D3. I completely agree with eveything you said. If I was forced to choose, I would take clinton over kerry anyday.

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I got into about 4 minutes of that John F*ing Kerry speech and when he started the equal rights for women in America bit, i had to go lay down for a little while.... When did he write this speech??? 1950?? what the heck



on a second note, D3, i didnt get to watch a lot of the RNC but thanks for posting that link to that speech. I read it and i was like HELLZ YES! lol i have it printed out too.

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god.. how can you vote for a guy like bush.. he cant speek, he cant lead the .ry, he is a war mongerer, he is barbarik, he lets Dick Cheney run the .ry, he has ruined our relationship with improtant alies that we so desperetally need, he has made america weeker... the thing about america is we have alies, good close alies, and now bush has broken trust with many of them..


bush also wanted to go to war befor he was in office.. its ture.. bush has ties with the osama familly, bush has oil ties with many terrist nations... who cares about oil.. i would rather pay a load of money for oil then pay the price of igrnorince in our own government.. we have lost MILLIONS of jobs.. and our economy was a growing economy when Clintion left, and he has single handeldy turned a billion dollar surpluss into the biggest defficet EVER.. now


YOU TELL ME.. how is a contry suppose to run when we have such a defficet.. give the rich more and more and more tax breakes until the por are diminished from the face of the earth! or until evereone who i alive is just rich.. is that the way we do it.


or do we start to pay of this debt.. tax the rich more... tax the amrican people more.. and use some of that money for medicare, for social security, for stem cell reserch, for importing drugs from other countries to cut down on the cost of percrioption durgs that SO MANY americans still canot afford.


MY medication is adviar, it is esential for ashma.. it keeps me from haveing an ashma attack every day.. that drug cost over 120 dollars to the average american without insurence.. go to canida.. you will find that same drug for less then 60 dollars..


or governemt is becomming corrupt.. john kerry has a real plan.. not some UNREALISTC ideas and LIES to get ellected..


now you look at the debates from 2000 and it you can find 1 god darn thing that mr gwb has done that he said he would do.. i would like for you to tell me..


he said he would create jobs.. and he clames he did.. but its a drop in the bucket.. 4 million+ jobs lost and only 1 million gained back?? now how is that growth.. you may just say he has lost 3 million and gained nothing..


He said we would have a better medicar system.. yet my granmother is loosing her coverage.. he said there would be more money in the pockets of americans, yet my mother cant afford to by a bed..


now, you thing deep and hard.. deep and hard...


this is a quote form my grandmother, and im not directing it towards anyone realy just saying it "people are stupid, they are so stupid, 3 people in an interview said they were going to vote for bush because they did not like the way john kerry looks, 2 people said they were not going to vote because there both not eligibal canidates, more people say that they want to vote for this guy, bceause of the way he talkes"


now you tell me.. THE average american is basically clueless, and if more americans could be as smart as they should, if more americans studeyed each canidate, if more americans would give a crap on whats going on besides there own life, kerry would be pulling ahead..


now 10's of thousands of protesters, mabe millions, protesting the republican convention.. and they get about 10 min of coverage.. does that not say somthing to the american people.. there were protesters on the democratic convention.. but not even 1/4 of as many..


we need to pull together as a nation, and relise the danger that we are truely in for..


the guy tryes to get in the office because he is a :boren again christion: now im not saying there is anything wong with religion, BUT when you use it as an excuse to get into our government by playing with the poeples minds, then that is wong.


i cant stress enough.. on why kerry needs to be elected.. i swear.. if i could get news coverage for 1 hour, in an intervew with some one.. i would change that bounce.. i would make the american people see, i would let them know what is realy worong

Kid, when 9/11 happened you were, what? 14? The only thing you were thinking about then was whether your balls would drop soon or not. Don't try to lecture us about politics.


What were you doing in April 2003? Trying to get lucky with the chick that sits next to you in class? Trying to get a good grade in history? Getting ready to pass drivers ed? Guess where I was? MOSUL, IRAQ. I was a Corporal in the USMC, 1st Bn 8th Marines. Putting my life on the line(and nearly losing it) for THIS country that I care very deeply about. Let me tell you something, little boy, Pres. Bush is no warmonger. He did what needed to be done. Those people need us.


Sure, the President is a poor orator. Yes, he looks funny. But, he's a man of principle. He stands by what he believes is right. That's why I'm voting for him.


I can't believe they let people vote when they're 18. So young. So dumb.

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god.. how can you vote for a guy like bush.. he cant speek, he cant lead the .ry, he is a war mongerer, he is barbarik, he lets Dick Cheney run the .ry, he has ruined our relationship with improtant alies that we so desperetally need, he has made america weeker... the thing about america is we have alies, good close alies, and now bush has broken trust with many of them..


bush also wanted to go to war befor he was in office.. its ture.. bush has ties with the osama familly, bush has oil ties with many terrist nations... who cares about oil.. i would rather pay a load of money for oil then pay the price of igrnorince in our own government.. we have lost MILLIONS of jobs.. and our economy was a growing economy when Clintion left, and he has single handeldy turned a billion dollar surpluss into the biggest defficet EVER.. now


YOU TELL ME.. how is a contry suppose to run when we have such a defficet.. give the rich more and more and more tax breakes until the por are diminished from the face of the earth!  or until evereone who i alive is just rich.. is that the way we do it. 


or do we start to pay of this debt.. tax the rich more... tax the amrican people more.. and use some of that money for medicare, for social security, for stem cell reserch, for importing drugs from other countries to cut down on the cost of percrioption durgs that SO MANY americans still canot afford. 


MY medication is adviar, it is esential for ashma.. it keeps me from haveing an ashma attack every day.. that drug cost over 120 dollars to the average american without insurence.. go to canida.. you will find that same drug for less then 60 dollars..


or governemt is becomming corrupt.. john kerry has a real plan.. not some UNREALISTC ideas and LIES to get ellected..


now you look at the debates from 2000 and it you can find 1 god darn thing that mr gwb has done that he said he would do.. i would like for you to tell me..


he said he would create jobs.. and he clames he did.. but its a drop in the bucket.. 4 million+ jobs lost and only 1 million gained back?? now how is that growth.. you may just say he has lost 3 million and gained nothing.. 


He said we would have a better medicar system.. yet my granmother is loosing her coverage.. he said there would be more money in the pockets of americans, yet my mother cant afford to by a bed..


now, you thing deep and hard.. deep and hard...


this is a quote form my grandmother, and im not directing it towards anyone realy just saying it "people are stupid, they are so stupid, 3 people in an interview said they were going to vote for bush because they did not like the way john kerry looks, 2 people said they were not going to vote because there both not eligibal canidates, more people say that they want to vote for this guy, bceause of the way he talkes" 


now you tell me.. THE average american is basically clueless, and if more americans could be as smart as they should, if more americans studeyed each canidate, if more americans would give a crap on whats going on besides there own life, kerry would be pulling ahead..


now 10's of thousands of protesters, mabe millions, protesting the republican convention.. and they get about 10 min of coverage.. does that not say somthing to the american people.. there were protesters on the democratic convention.. but not even 1/4 of as many..


we need to pull together as a nation, and relise the danger that we are truely in for..


the guy tryes to get in the office because he is a :boren again christion: now im not saying there is anything wong with religion, BUT when you use it as an excuse to get into our government by playing with the poeples minds, then that is wong. 


i cant stress enough.. on why kerry needs to be elected.. i swear.. if i could get news coverage for 1 hour, in an intervew with some one.. i would change that bounce.. i would make the american people see, i would let them know what is realy worong

Kid, when 9/11 happened you were, what? 14? The only thing you were thinking about then was whether your balls would drop soon or not. Don't try to lecture us about politics.


What were you doing in April 2003? Trying to get lucky with the chick that sits next to you in class? Trying to get a good grade in history? Getting ready to pass drivers ed? Guess where I was? MOSUL, IRAQ. I was a Corporal in the USMC, 1st Bn 8th Marines. Putting my life on the line(and nearly losing it) for THIS country that I care very deeply about. Let me tell you something, little boy, Pres. Bush is no warmonger. He did what needed to be done. Those people need us.


Sure, the President is a poor orator. Yes, he looks funny. But, he's a man of principle. He stands by what he believes is right. That's why I'm voting for him.


I can't believe they let people vote when they're 18. So young. So dumb.

You dont know how much my family and everyone i know applauds your efforts for this world. Lt. Col. Patrick Buerger (my uncle) just got back from Iraq a few weeks ago. He sent me pictures and messages from Iraqi citizens and others every 2 or so weeks about how happy they were to have American help over in their country. I also admire that Kerry was a war vetran (not hero) but with that said, it makes no difference to me about his war history... it is a fact that the Swift Boat soldiers often tied water skies onto the back of the boats and had their fun which is unbecomming of a soldier... you dont hear that either do ya?

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