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Windows Networking... Help!


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ok, this is a bizarre problem, of course everything in Windows is weird. Just yesterday I had a happy network workgroup setup called ACOUIDEA. There were two computers in this workgroup and it worked fine. Just today, I added someone elses computer to the network (2 computers are win2k, the host is server2k3). Once this other Win2k machine was added I can't even access the workgroup!!


EDIT: I noticed that in the DHCP table, only that new laptop that I added to the network shows up, yet I'm still getting an IP address


The Error message I get is the one I pasted below. Any suggestions will be very very much appreciated.



Edited by Scottious

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Did you set up your host to allow enough ips? How long is your dhcp release time seet for? Other than that, its kinda hard to diganose without sitting in front of the thing and checking a bunch of little stuff.

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Man I feal your pain. I've banged my head against the wall trying to get my 2 computers to talk to each other. In theory its supposed to be simple....then I get ahold of it and it doesn't want to act right.

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