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Extremely Strange...


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Right clicking on any programs/folders/etc except the C drive results in everything shutting down and restarting.. not the computer.. just all active programs...



EDIT: Sometimes this happens and sometimes it does not...

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There is an article/news update pretty much made by kamikazee badge that has a bunch of free virus scans and spyware scans. I used that to clean up a couple systems. Just look back in the articles d3bruts has wrote and youl find it.

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I'll do a scan tonight; but usually nothing shows up or I cant fix it :lol:. No I do not have Zone Alarm Pro.. i think.. err... let me go check and see if its uninstalled :lol:



Ok -- you mention having trouble fixing things Virus scanning picks up. If you go to http://www.grisoft.com, you can download a free version of AVG Anti-Virus. I've never had a problem with that program so it's worth a shot for ya. Make sure you update from within the program before starting a complete scan of your system...

Edited by Morpheus903

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