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What Voltage For Cpu?


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My voltage can be adjusted from 1.65 to 1.85v. As you know, it runs hotter when raised, so does it need to be at a certain level for the cpu speed? In other words, if i want to OC to 200 FSB, can i leave it at 1.65? My current bus speed is 166.

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Only way to find out it to try...each chip is different. Some 2500+ bartons can hop up to 200fsb with stock voltage, while some can't do it at ANY voltage...just depends on how good your particular chip is. Don't jump it straight up to 200fsb...go up slowly, and see how it responds and what it wants in terms of voltages.

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Yeah, go up in 5-10mhz increments, and run maybe a half-hour of prime95 (or something else VERY system intensive) at each step. Once you start crashing/erroring out after a short while, try increasing the voltage a little until it's okay. Then once you've hit one of your "stopping points" (like once you hit 200fsb) then run prime95 for several hours and see if it's okay.

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