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Bios Clear Switch

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Hey guys, if your anything like me, you've had to clear your bios and start over MANY times in the course of your overclocking lifetime. It used to be that I wouldn't mind removing the jumper to reset the bios, but after installing watercooling my case is CRAMMED. The water pump sits directly in front of the jumper, and it takes a good 10 minutes of fumbling to clear the bios and get everything on again. I know about holding INS during startup, but it doesn't seem to work for me if I can't post. :shrug:


So what I want to do is essentially take a power switch from an older computer and plug it in to where the jumper goes. Will this work? I'd be awful nice to be able to simply flip a switch, wait about thirty seconds, then flip it back and turn on the computer. While I wouldn't have the balls to test this, I think it'd even be safe to flip the switch while the computer is running. Heck, if people can hot swap bios's, I don't see a broken connection at that particular point being a problem.


Anyway, I need some opinions before I do this. I just want to make sure I am not overlooking something incredibly blatant. :)


Has anyone else done this? Do you think it'll work?

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first of all, that is a GREAT idea! 1!!!


butk, i dont think it owuld be safe to do that while the computer is on...


id suggest a "rocker switch" one of those that look like




___ and go back and forth

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Yeah, I have one laying around that I'm gonna install tonight. I'll let you guys know how it works. :)


edit: can't find my solder :angry:

I'll do it tommorrow after a run to Radio Shack. :)

Edited by ravix

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that would be cool! if it all turns out good, im thinking of it for mine, i have an idea fir you though, i dont know what your plans were for attaching it to the pins, but if you were thinking of sodering, try one of those like little plugs from the power led or reset led thingy.... which ever one works

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So what I want to do is essentially take a power switch from an older computer and plug it in to where the jumper goes.


I didn't make it very obvious, but that was my plan.


Great minds think alike :)

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I tore my room apart and finally found my solder. It took all of 5 minutes to complete this mod, and the results are fantastic!! I tried it and it works perfectly. I can clear my bios without ever opening my case. :)


The only thing I am worried about is a switch sticking out the side of my case that could potentially ruin my bios chip. I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had to replace my BIOS, but it still makes me nervous. Although I prepped everyone in my family, its a cool looking switch, and I could picture someone pulling a "what does this do" on it.


Ah well, I am going to order either a second bios chip or a bios savior for my mobo. I want to experiment with third party bios files on my motherboard, and I know that is a foolish risk to take without a backup.



Final Review: Awesome Mod, works great, looks awesome. As soon as my bro finds the family digicam I am going to write a guide. :)

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why dont you just put the switch in an emptry 3.5 drive bay? and if you wana flip switch, just open the drive cover and flip, then replace. that way no one would accidently hit it, and you wont be tempted to, to esee what happens :)

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Nice idea! Really nice! I don't think it'd do any harm shorting the pins while it was on, but as the computer would be on I also don't think it'd clear the CMOS. I'm not really sure how them pins work either so... hmm!


I reall don't think they'd have made it so it'd trash your board if you accidently forgot to put the jumper back though!

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