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Bush has a lot going for him based on his record. Where Kerry's biggest support mechanism is hatred for Bush. It didn't work for Dole in '96, and won't work now either. The whole "War Hero" thing is harped on ad nauseum because Kerry's actions for FOUR MONTHS 30 something years ago are much more attractive to the general polpulace than his actions and stance on issues during the last THIRTY YEARS, most notably his record as a senator. There is a reason they don't want to talk about his senate record, because it is way out of step with America as a whole. From what I have seen the main mantra of the DNC has been "Anybody but Bush!" and they will throw every bit of support behind Kerry/Edwards though they are considered "throw away candidates" in the upper echelon of the DNC. Watch in the next few months as Kerry's campaign gets more and more strident, just as it did in the Dole campaign with which I was moderately involved in Oklahoma. Hatred does not win elections, a clear message and direction does.

yeah, i think duke hit it on the nose, dasterdly. The "problem" here...or rather, the reason more kerry supporters haven't posted here is really because about 75% of kerry's supporters are actually in reality bush-haters (or anti-bush). Theoretically, they'd vote for anyone except bush, and so, since Kerry is the opposition, they're siding with him. Whether this stands up in the end is anyone's guess.


But that's the main problem in politics today. Most people vote for who they hate less, not who they actually support...mainly because very few candidates ever hold the exact same beliefs as any one person. I'm pretty independent, and i doubt they'll ever be a president that i agree with on every issue...or even a large majority of the issues. It's all about choosing the most important issues for yourself, and figuring out who best relates to your side of that issue.


Go to www.georgewbush.com, and www.johnkerry.com and you will see which bashes the other.

i didn't search the whole site, but i dunno which one you're pointing to. On the front page of the gwb one, i see "kerry's extreme makeover" and on the kerry site i see "bush-cheney: wrong for america". Other than those, the rest is all support for the particular candidates.



As for the "bashing". I apologize, but one, i didn't really feel as i was bashing...i just didn't see how one can base votes on what a candidate "believes" without a plan of action, and i wanted that person (and others) to state more specific reasons than just "so-and-so plans on doing -insert broad topic here-". And secondly, i was a little aggravated at the thread previously bashing bush comparing him to a monkey. to me, that's just ridiculous "evidence" and I don't think that type of thing is appropriate for any side.

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I will be voting for Bush in November for the following reasons:


His economic policy has gone a long way toward helping our economy out of the post orgy hang over from the dot com boom of the 90's that collapsed and the beginning of a deep recession (that remember began even BEFORE the 2000 election). The implementing of the tax cuts went a long way toward the economic boost we have seen, and making those tax cuts permanent will enable furthur economic growth.


His cabinet is filled with extremely gifted individuals who are experts in their respective fields, a president must have the best administrative resources at his disposal to be able to make the most well informed decision. The makeup of his cabinet speaks volumes about his aptitude in choosing the best and most qualified. The role of any good LEADER is to have people much more talented in select fields, then rely on them for recommendations, rather than try to be a master of all topics and act as a half-cocked maverick without having the advice of an expert in the field (case in point: the absense of heavy air support in Somalia despite expert advice given to the Clinton White house and the resulting catastophe due to it) Condoleeza Rice could very well be a major political player in 2008, and may become a presidential contender, having a viable future political leader come out of your cabinet indicates very good judgement.


Foreign policy based on what is in the United States' best interests with or without foreign approval shows determination, the UN has proven itself a spineless whiners club bereft of any consideration except its own acquisition of power and money during the last few decades seeking to thwart and restrain US policy any way it could. Bush did the negotiator thing with the UN and a final resolution was adopted by a unanamous vote in the security council, Saddam thumbed his nose at that and Bush sought to enforce the terms of that resolution. The ENTIRE security council (including France, Germany and Russia was in total agreement on the terms of the resolution until it was time to act, then they balked. Bush pressed on despite all the crying of the globalists and formed a coalition that was broader than the one in 1991. Saddam was toppled and Iraq was FREE of his regin of terror. Since there has been a flood of jihadis from within Iraq, as weel as the ones coming en masse from Iran, Syria, Jordan etc... Iraqi sovereignty was reestablished last month and our allied forces are assisting the Iraqi government in establishing order.


I trust Bush, personal anecdote aside, the man has a history of being a straight shooter and being able to bring all sides together to work FOR something. In Texas when he was governer, Bush enjoyed a good relationship with the state legislative democrats. However after he arrived in Washington D.C. he has come to realise that national parties are far more nasty with the standard of demonising dominating political discourse. Also his loyalty to people is almost non existant these days in "eat your own for power" atmosphere, this trait has even been mocked by those from the left side with the majority of the media.


His unabashed faith: Reagan was more politically savvy by avoiding church while in the White House as he attempted to avoid the "religious zeolot!!!!!!!" charge somewhat successfully, while Clinton made every moment coming out of a church a photo op. Bush on the other hand has neither hid nor flaunted his faith, he has been very straightforward and unapoligetic about it. Remember the 2000 debate when the candidates were asked for the greatest philosopher in their mind Bush stated simply "Jesus Christ" and smiled at the giggles from the room. He puts himself forward as he is, as opposed to putting on a new face for every crowd he speaks to.


Those are some of the reasons why I am voting FOR Bush.

lol your joking right..


the dow jones was doing extermly well.. befor 9/11 with Clinton.. bush came into office.. what happened.. my grandmother lost 10's of thousands of dollars, and her medicar went THROUGH the SKY...


Our country is more at risk.. our troops are all spred out.. a majority in a country not worth ocupying any longer..


why didint we go after the sorce of the terror.. alkada... HUM?? why??? hu?? sadam husain DID NOT have WOMD NONE.. and hundreds of troops lost there lives on fals information.. i dont support the war.. but i do support the troops..


we have seen more large corparate scandles since bush has been in office then any befor.. Clinton got over 5 million NEW jobs.. High paying jobs.. not low paying mcdonalds jobs.. .. american buisnesses are being shiped over sea's many workers are being forced to go to low paying jobs at stores, not high qulity jobs like jobs that require skils..


more than ever seniors cant afford there medicare service..


we are loosing other countries trust.. other contries relise that bush needs to go..


trust me.. John Kery for a BETTER AMERICA.. AND HELP IS ON THE WAY


i wish people would just get better educated.. i dont say this because i am a democrat or a republican.. i say this because i have studied each side.. i say a war hero is better able to lead a war.. so on exetera.. i have done much reserch and kerrys plan for a better america realy is better.. well bush sits and makes jokes "when you get your friends to the polls, nudge em to the bush dick chainy lever" .. now that should get him impeached right there.. done

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lol your joking right..


the dow jones was doing extermly well.. befor 9/11 with Clinton.. bush came into office.. what happened.. my grandmother lost 10's of thousands of dollars, and her medicar went THROUGH the SKY...


Our country is more at risk.. our troops are all spred out.. a majority in a country not worth ocupying any longer..


why didint we go after the sorce of the terror.. alkada... HUM?? why??? hu?? sadam husain DID NOT have WOMD NONE.. and hundreds of troops lost there lives on fals information.. i dont support the war.. but i do support the troops..


we have seen more large corparate scandles since bush has been in office then any befor.. Clinton got over 5 million NEW jobs.. High paying jobs.. not low paying mcdonalds jobs.. .. american buisnesses are being shiped over sea's many workers are being forced to go to low paying jobs at stores, not high qulity jobs like jobs that require skils..


more than ever seniors cant afford there medicare service..


we are loosing other countries trust.. other contries relise that bush needs to go..


trust me.. John Kery for a BETTER AMERICA.. AND HELP IS ON THE WAY


i wish people would just get better educated.. i dont say this because i am a democrat or a republican.. i say this because i have studied each side.. i say a war hero is better able to lead a war.. so on exetera.. i have done much reserch and kerrys plan for a better america realy is better.. well bush sits and makes jokes "when you get your friends to the polls, nudge em to the bush dick chainy lever" .. now that should get him impeached right there.. done

and so the bashing continues....


i don't want to perpetuate this with a response...despite wanting to do a line-by-line analysis really badly :P, but as for the whole "war hero" thing, go here:




oh, and i will also say (since it has nothing to do with kerry) that you must be the one joking if you think the economy was fine before 9/11. If anyone's to blame for the economy, it's clinton. it takes awhile for the economy to turn around, and it's finally doing so because of bush's efforts.

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everyone knows what this thred was going to be like from the start.. eveyone.. its askes for it.. im just responding with my own views to mabe help change this election.. .. i love this country, and when there is an opertunity to stand up for what you beleave in, or progress your ideals then i am all for that..


you know.. just friendally compitition ;)

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Do you read the links you provide??!? :rolleyes::blink:

Like I said earlier create a separate thread, and we shall see who carries ALL the facts. Lets keep this thread on target.



The 1st link you provide has a nice title that says "Featured Views". Thats called an opinion. Can you show me a "Fact" rather than some Op Ed Piece?? ;)


The 2nd link is a google search titled "bush help osama"

Too bad nothing on any of those hits was a fact saying that "bush helped osama"

Please again, create another thread and we can both provide facts w/ links and we will let the spectators decide which side has more "facts".




To Jackrussell. You need to be a little wiser and nicer to the forum members here who create threads. I find it inappropriate and weakminded that you couldn't even follow the simple rules of the thread that my 14 year old brother could follow. The reason you come into this thread with your absurd statements, is because you cannot create another thread backing your candidate because you don't "know" the facts. <_< :bah:

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To Jackrussell. You need to be a little wiser and nicer to the forum members here who create threads. I find it inappropriate and weakminded that you couldn't even follow the simple rules of the thread that my 14 year old brother could follow. The reason you come into this thread with your absurd statements, is because you cannot create another thread backing your candidate because you don't "know" the facts. <_< :bah:

You reduce my statements to being "absurd". That sounds alot more like mindless flaming of someone than simply criticising a politician that someone else happens to like.


As for backing my candidate, that's forthcoming. Me not having posted that yet is not an indication of what facts I know or don't know. I'd like to say more than just, "I'm for this and that" and "he says he'll do this and that if elected". I haven't finished yet trying to make sure it doesn't break the rules.

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So here you go. Here's why I think Kerry is the right man for the job.


1. Kerry will be fiscally responsible. He's not going to gamble on the economy. Taxes shouldn't be excessive. Tax dollars shouldn't be wasted. Injecting additional money into the economy, keeping down the deficit, education, health care, etc are all things with their own merits and must be balanced responsibly. For many politicians it's tempting to over play the first thing (injecting money, hence "I'll keep everyone's taxes low no matter what happens. Vote for me."). In the long run, exactly how low those taxes can be and for whom and at what cost to society is literally a gamble.


2. Kerry will be strong on National Defense. Paralleling General W. Clark: Anyone implying that any one party has a monopoly on being able to defend the U.S. is commiting a fraud on the American people.


3. Kerry will be smarter and more savy than other candidates in the "War" against Terrorism. And I don't see Kerry calling himself literally a "war time President". That would be a stretch of the phrase and not unlike commiting a kind of fraud on the American people and the World. The current President is not literally a "war time President". Even implying that is scare mongering.


He [bush] puts our Sovereignty first and foremost b4 any other nations or the U.N.


4. Kerry will protect the Sovereignty of the United States. He'll be able do that while making America a good neighbor in the World (still remember the Kyoto Treaty?) and a respectful member of the United Nations. The U.N. is a democratic institution just like the U.S. is democratic. Not all members of the U.N. are democratic nations, but it's the best hope the World has for stability, understanding each other, and discussing problems regardless of current diplomatic ties. When people stop talking, then you've got trouble. Lately the U.S. hasn't been listening.

Imagine how potentially dangerous imposing sanctions or having a lack of diplomatic ties would be without the U.N.


Kerry has traveled in the World prior to running for President. I've traveled my whole life continuously since age 3. I've lived long term in a few different countries. I appreciate the perspective that gives. The fact that I was born in some country gives me the rights of that country, but not literally a morally defencable entitlement. I value my country-given rights, but I can keep it in perspective.

The perception of much of the rest of the free World right now is that the U.S. is a goliath that feels morally entitled to do whatever it sees fit regardless of what anyone thinks. And the careless rhetoric of a certain President very much enhances that view. Kerry has the wisdom, insight, ability and the credibility to reverse that perception and to work with the World. Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it right and the World will regard you appropriately.

But suggesting or implying that the very Sovereignty of the U.S. is "at stake" is typical of the scare mongering of some campaigning out there.


At the end of the day people will make up their own minds as to which platform is based on honesty and optimism and which is based on stirred up fear.

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At the end of the day people will make up their own minds as to which platform is based on honesty and optimism and which is based on stirred up fear.

nice little covert bash at the end :P<_ if kerry epitomizes honesty then i must be a saint.>


and i'm sick and tired of people saying this country is full of fear now. where the f' do YOU live?! I work in NYC...i pass thru penn station every day....i ride the subway everyday...i haven't noticed any FEAR from anyone. We go about our lives as if it was any day....this year or ten years ago (well maybe not ten years ago...dang cell phones and pdas ;) ). It's amusing to me how people in non-major, un-threatened cities claim there is fear, when those of us in the so called "dangerous" hot spots fear nothing.

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and i'm sick and tired of people saying this country is full of fear now.  where the f' do YOU live?!  I work in NYC...i pass thru penn station every day....i ride the subway everyday...i haven't noticed any FEAR from anyone.

Are you suggesting the anti-terrorism efforts should be scrapped? Anyway, anything sounds silly when you take it out of context. I know what you're saying... but there's a difference between living-in-fear literally, and fearing a possibility. We have police on the streets because we fear the possibility of crime.

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Are you suggesting the anti-terrorism efforts should be scrapped? Anyway, anything sounds silly when you take it out of context. I know what you're saying... but there's a difference between living-in-fear literally, and fearing a possibility. We have police on the streets because we fear the possibility of crime.

no, actually i'm all for anti-terrorism tactics. i fully support the war. And passing thru penn station, for the last few years, there's now armed military personel, which maybe would scare some people, i dunno, but i kinda like them there.


anyways, i gotta go. tty ppl lataz.

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no, actually i'm all for anti-terrorism tactics. i fully support the war. And passing thru penn station, for the last few years, there's now armed military personel, which maybe would scare some people, i dunno, but i kinda like them there.


anyways, i gotta go. tty ppl lataz.

I'm with you 100% there! it's this thing called prevention. armed troops are a form of prevention.


think of it this way:


when do you change the oil in your car? when the engine seizes up and dies (then you have more problems than oil)? or at 3000 miles / 3 months like you should?


when do you cut the lawn? when it's a total jungle (and it takes all f'n day to do it)? or do you do it weekly (so it takes an hour or less)?


when do you invade iraq? when they unleash a biological attack in the subways or NYC? or when their "leader" is threatening it? (and to anyone who doesn't believe those weapons are there, go ask a survivor or family member of the attacks on the Kurds or Iranians... they have the scars to PROVE they're real)

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