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Weird Stuttering Issue With My Machine. Any Ideas


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make sure hard-drive indexing is disabled, have a look at the services running, the processes, stuff in the taskbar... if you have Creative anything then make sure disc detector is disabled or uninstalled... check your network card settings and make sure unnecessary protocols aren't selected...


maybe hooked on phonics though, it's a sure winner! :D

It's really weird because it's not a stutter that last long.


It lasts like a quarter of a second and looks almost like a frame skip, very subtle but still noticable especially when strifing. It's not really a frame skip though because fraps doesn't even register it.

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do you have virtual memory set up as a dynamically sized pagefile, or a fixed sized pagefile... my guess is that your computer is doing something in the background that causes the minor lapse...


resizing the pagefile messes up a lot of stuff... set the min and max to the same size for it to be fixed...


also take a look at the cpu performance (ie usage) graph in task manager with nothing running... if you see a few peaks appear then switch to the processes and see what's causing it...

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I've always been plagued by this problem too! The discouraging thing is that I have upgraded my soundcard, motherboard, cpu, ram, and video card and still have it. Thus, I am lead to believe it is either a hard drive issue, or unclean power to the outlet my computer is plugged into. Someday soon I'd like a new hard drive. I have a feeling it will help.


It could be an IRQ conflict. I've got my video card and USB controllers sharing an IRQ. Games are so stuttery they get to be un-playable.


This isn't an IRQ conflict. IRQ conflicts are painfully obvious, like you explained, not a subtle "flicker" of nothing.

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I've always been plagued by this problem too! The discouraging thing is that I have upgraded my soundcard, motherboard, cpu, ram, and video card and still have it. Thus, I am lead to believe it is either a hard drive issue, or unclean power to the outlet my computer is plugged into. Someday soon I'd like a new hard drive. I have a feeling it will help.




This isn't an IRQ conflict. IRQ conflicts are painfully obvious, like you explained, not a subtle "flicker" of nothing.

What are your specs. Maybe we can figure something out. You really think it could be unclean power or a hard drive issue?


Would a hard drive issue cause such a subtle "flicker" like a mentioned? I don't really see my hard drive doing anything when that little subtle "flicker" happens.

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that little "flicker" is a combination/possiblitiy of things:


1 harddrive activity #1 issue

2 overly warm processor temps

3 overly warm gpu temps

4 overly warm ram temps

5 ANYthing thats too warm

6 poor driver installation

7 antivirus interference (ie-auto update)

8 too many processes making requests from processor


check to see if you have more than 30 processes running - if so try and eliminate some of them while you game


im running a p4 2.6HT overclocked to 3.19, a XFX 5900XT, gig if Geil 3200, SB Live audio, 60gig Maxtor 133, 120gig Seagate 100


i noticed the flicker you talk of the first time when i seen in my taskmanager that the pagefile was massively oversized so i lowered it, then i noticed the flicker when i used microshafts updated drivers for my graphix, then i noticed it when i had way too many processes running and again when my temps got too hot


so process of elimination - start checking the above things and if they are all within specs then it might be something to do with your game

Edited by MindDrive

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hahahah.. is your GPU or vid card getting enough power? is it?? try using a diffrent molex lead that is not connected to major things like HD's or a chain of fans.. just try that.. see if it makes it better, because if you have your HD and fans and vid card dazychined, there could be degridation of power.. like when an air conditioner starts up, the lights dim for a second.... think, when your hard drive has to start serching, or your fans start spinning faster "if they are heat sensitive" but try the video card on a stand-alown power sorce..

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hahahah.. is your GPU or vid card getting enough power? is it?? try using a diffrent molex lead that is not connected to major things like HD's or a chain of fans.. just try that.. see if it makes it better, because if you have your HD and fans and vid card dazychined, there could be degridation of power.. like when an air conditioner starts up, the lights dim for a second.... think, when your hard drive has to start serching, or your fans start spinning faster "if they are heat sensitive" but try the video card on a stand-alown power sorce..

Definetely. Always put the video card on its own power cable, especially these newer cards (radeons, geforcefx) suck up tons of power. Make sure you have enough power to begin with. Check the power connector on the video card, make sure it doesn't move around. I had that problem with my video card, the monitor would just go out because the card wasn't getting power.


You also might want to try more forums and get their opinion on what could cause this.

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