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Wait, This Site Says Screw You To Coppa?

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:lol: :lol:  That made my day.

Thats exactly what I was thinking... LMAO!!

Sorry HyperSonic, we hope to see you soon. :(



LP, is this a new edition because of this thread? When I first registered this screen wasn't here... :unsure::blink:

No, it has been there up until a few months ago when it was disabled during forum updates. I just noticed it was not enabled when this thread was made.

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....owned.. lol omg... Seriously he was a stupid one for running his mouth... BTW I AM 5!... JK JK! JK! I am not and have photographic proof :) lol, Anyway yeah, that stuff should be taken seriously, its there for a reason, to protect the young

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I got my mom to do the permission form.

/me smirks...


sorry sorry, that's TOO funny!


i wasn't aware of any pr0n or violence here on OCC?! :huh:

...except maybe Newport gettin excited with his star trek figures :P


btw Newport, I'm kickin yo . in f@h!!! yeah, where's your "wowza" threat now boyeee?! :lol:

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