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Custom Wc Setup

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I was wondering what i should use for a water cooled system? I dont expect links to every part, just perhaps a good website and some brands i could use. Maybe a custom setup, as ive heard those are much better, or maybe a kit for simplicity (and to save on shipping). Im not sure yet, but im looking to spend around...$150-$250 with shipping etc.


If anything good is on newegg that would be ideal because they have very cheap (and usually free) shipping

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go to www.dangerden.com and get some kick . stuff.

with $250 you can get a :

TDX with 1/2" tubing

dual heatercore with acrylic shroud.

2 120mm fans

maze 4 GPU waterblock

and a eheim 1260

some misc stuff like water wetter or UV additive


i didn't look at the prices but you should be way under 250

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man people need to search man


I just posted a custom water cooled setup to many little threads asking


third maybe 4th one this week


click the link in my thread to see my custom setup

But the thing is, you don't say what parts you used, the prices, or how to assemble it. All you did was take some pictures.

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