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Dual-boot With Fedora And Xp He

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GYAAAAAAAAAH! I went to the resize partition, did the math and cut the available HDD space in half, and gave half to NTFS and the other half unformatted. So I hit apply and it says I need to restart to do this, so I restart, it loads XP, shows the PM thing and in a split second it is done. So I login, check PM to see if it worked, and yet again there is NOTHING BUT THE STUPID NTFS:


Partition Type Size MB Used MB Unused MB Statues Pri/Log

Local disk (C:) NTFS 76,308.7 11,918.9 64,38939 Active Pri


(*) Unallocated 7.8 0.0 0.0 None Pri



That is what it shows in the disk thingy. BTW, I used the resize partition in the first box. I looked at the second box, and it says it crosses the 1GB cylinder boundary, making it unbootable.

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Maybe you should try formatting the free space PM 'claims' it's creating as ext2 in the same boot...


If that doesn't work, maybe you could tell PM to convert your NTFS back to FAT32, and then use DiskDrak to resize it... Then use PM to turn it back to NTFS... But I dunno if you can do that...

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Let me know how it goes when you try re-defragmenting your drive, sounds like your last bits are too close to the end of the drive... If that makes sence....

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Hmmmm.... Next time I'm in windows, I'll take a look at DK and PM and post exactly what I did with them, as I can't remember off-hand.



Ok, I'm back in windows now... I miss KDE already, lol...

I booted up DK and found a few weirdnesses, firstly there's 2 menus. You should only use the bottom one, the top menu causes my PC to crash, lol. So, If you click on the drive you need to edit and select resize/move partition. I have a second picture to post, but it won't let me do two post in a row... so it'll have to wait.

Edited by Jezza

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Hahaha, yeah PLEASE don't use the top pannel... when I did that to resize my D drive, NTFS partition, it corrupted my EXT3 partitions... Odd..



Anyway, when you select resize/move it gives you a small window... Drag the bit on the right to the left until it's the size you want.. It says how much you have left etc...


Then, when you've clicked OK. it should show some free space, create a partition there and format as EXT3 or anything you like really (apart from NTFS, as you'll need to be able to tell which is which) you'll only re-format it when installing Fedora. Hope this and the second picture helps...


EDIT: Make sure you click apply at the bottom of the page in the "pending thingys" bit before you close PM

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Ok, that looks cool to me... Remember to mount the drive as /usr in linux, not user. As this is a pointer to linux to tell it where to install stuff... BTW, I hope you backed up all your imprtant files, just incase Fedora does with you, what it's done with alot of others using XP


Good luck...

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Didn't really read any of this.


But the kernals have to be before the 1024 cylinder (or around there). So the best way to go is C:\ (for windows), then the linux partition, swap for linux.


But with Fedora on my system I had to do C:\ , /boot , /ext3 , swap


Find which ever way works.

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