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Overclocking 9600

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Heya guys,


I'm new! lol, but I'm trying to overclock my plain ole' 9600, but all of the sudden powerstrip doesn't want to keep the settings i am setting. I have the clock/mem at 350/220 and it wont' even keep that, when it used to be able to keep at least 400/240. I'm wondering if the change is because of the new driver. I just installed ati's newest, and after i installed the one b4 that it seemed to change my overclocking abilities much so. I have a coolermaster on my cpu, an extra external fan on one of the slots in the back and a heatpipe on my card.


If there's something i need to change, let me know, just want some suggestions, running ffxi/unreal and a couple other things, it would help to have some overclocking abilities;


Here is my system;


biostar m7NCD Pro

AMD athlon 2100+ OC'ed 2700+ 2.02 Gig; 155 fsb (not multiplied)

Coolermaster PC Heatsink(don't remember the model number)



Thanks guys, c ya

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I achieve good results with Rage 3D Tweak.

Well, without those two, i finally got it to stay, don't know how, but after i ran ffxi i got vpn's, even if i overclocked it 5%, this is either drivers, or the card is heating up fast....either way....i'll just get an x800 :)

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Well, without those two, i finally got it to stay, don't know how, but after i ran ffxi i got vpn's, even if i overclocked it 5%, this is either drivers, or the card is heating up fast....either way....i'll just get an x800 :)

Get me one too. :lol::lol::lol:

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I've used Rage3D Tweak and PowerStrip in the past. What I prefer about ATITool is its ability to systematically test your video card for the highest core and memory clocks that perform without error. This takes out all of the guesswork involved in running benchmarks and looking for artifacts with your naked eye.

Did this, dang thing thought it could take the mem up to somewhere between 260-300, don't quite remember, that doesn't seem possible considering it is quite hard to OC the mem on a stock pro, it's basically maxed when you get it. I don't quite understand ATI Tool, it definetely said that my OC's could be a lot higher than they actually can.


But an update to my adventures, getting it to stay at higher levels was great, but being able to run anything, was not. VPN's after 2.5 seconds in FFXI. I think it's either powerstrip not clocking up correctly, or drivers(or even a voltage problem, not quite sure). All i know is it seems to be a bad idea to OC' this thing...


and the 200k i have saved up will buy you all your X800's....o wait...that's monopoly money....tuff luck boyz





!!!****!!!! UPDATE:


DL'd radlinker, works great i love it, increased by 5's, it would work wherever i put it. Played UT2k4, no VPU recoveries, ran fine for abou 10 minutes, so i quit and tried FFXI, VPU after 2 seconds. I don't understand this...as far as I can tell, Unreal is more of a graphics hog than ffxi, especially at the fast past it has to process, but i'm no expert. what should i do, or can i even do???

Edited by kingofslackerz

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