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The Best Socket A Mobo For Ocing

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i am very impressed with the dfi lanparty nfII ultra b that i have. i have had a couple of msi boards(k7n2g, an k7n2-delta) which were also very nice. the msi boards were very stable and so-so oc'ers. the dfi is built to oc. no doubt about it.

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Yeah, the 'dfi lanparty nfII ultra b' is a great mobo for overclocking.


But if you want a few less frills and a subsatntially lower price, check out the nf7-s. Its great too.

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Guest FxXP

Anything with nForce2 is worth considering. The AGP/PCI lock is an excellent add-on to have if you are going to overclock your hardware components. We can't exactly be brand biased due to the fact that all boards have their glitches. I like what I have seen out of the DFI in the past few months and the NFII Infinity seems to be the top king at this point. MSI is known for pulling fast benchmarks, yet not very overclockable which has always been the case with that brand. EPoX is another fine brand, lots of features. I love the diagnostic LED that they put on their boards since the KT133 days. Gigabyte is nice for the price, a few BIOS bugs here and there, stability is 50/50. Some of their boards last and some don't. Asus seems to be having QC issues over the past while on some of their new boards. I just built an Athlon XP system for my step-father with an A7V8X-X/2400+, so I'll have to see what happens there.


IMO: DFI or MSI are the brands to go with.

Edited by FxXP

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