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Infinity Giving Me $$$$$

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I got my new mobo today but after setting it up things went wrong. I wanted to get stuff off of me hd before I reformated windows but it locked up after only a few minutes. Ok understandable I suppose but what really buggs me now is if I go to install windows xp pro after it reboots the first time it restarts and asks me if I want to boot cd if I do then it restarts the whole process and if I do not it just says error loading os.... Any ideas?

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Have you got the 12v connecter hooked up to the mobo. This board needs it. If you got the info off the drive write 0's to the drive and start with a clean disc. Are you putting a raid set on it or using SATA drives? :foldon:

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not using raid nor sata as for hooking up the power I just did and trying it though I do not see why it would cause the mobo not to see my hd on start up.

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not using raid nor sata as for hooking up the power I just did and trying it though I do not see why it would cause the mobo not to see my hd on start up.

Not sure on that does it not recognise it in bios?Maybe a bad ide cable? I know the manual that comes with the board is about useless but they do have it available online. and it may have something in the settings. I used a raid array and ide hd's and it caught everything first try. :foldon:

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I am using ide cables that I got when I bought my case and they have worked well so far. It recognizes the hd in the bios and windows does too when it sets up for the install however when it REBOOTS to install windows it runs through asking if I want to boot from cd and if I do it goes through the first step of installing windows again if I do not it says error loading operating system. Still lost and getting mad now because I have been at this since 4 oclock.



Looked at the manual online and it is worthless to me sorry to seem so frustrated but I have been having a really crappy week as it is and for the to be happening to is just gettingh to be a bit too much.


-edit again- Ok there are 4 hdd's to chose in which to boot from 0,1,2,3, well I can have three things set to boot at one time and if I put in any hdds to boot first I get an error saying no os. Now if I put hdd 1 then 2 and then 3 it says boot disk failure insert boot disk but otherwise nothing. After running system recovery in the xp install it shows I have a windows directory on my c drive with the install files but yet it does nothing....


also I switched my rounded ide with the one in the box but same difference...

Edited by Mist

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