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Help Video Card Not Working

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Ok so i had this 5950 flashed up and it wass working ok until i saw it was only 4xagp so i look around and eventually flash it down to 5900ultra then its still 4x agp and i try to flash it down to 5900xt like it was orgiinally but wfflash gives me a programming failed error said it cant find a NV device and cant find NV address


now windows cant install a drier for it, i used the cd that came with it and it say hardware not found..am i completely screwed? i bought this from frys a little over a montha ago ( 4-9-03) so am i out of luck at returning it if my card is destroyed?


also i tried system restore back before i did the downflash didnt work i havent tried reformatting yet but it is a option if this will fix it. <_<


EDIT: yessss manually installed the driver although now the driver doesnt even know what i have

Edited by Agallion

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bah i hate reformatting( done it to much and i dont wanna redownload all those...uhh patches for my completely legal game collection along with my uhh also completly legal dvd collection that i somehow legally got on my harddrive.)


would driver cleaner 3.0 work better than nv cleaner?

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Also go to Guru3D.com and there's a bunch of different driver removal utilties.


Driver Cleaner is the best tho if memory serves me correctly... only had to use it a few times tho so I could be wrong.

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