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Slow Case Fans. Its Hot


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my mb controled far rocks at over 2000 rpms. but the other 2 pluged into the antec 430 pure run slow.... the mb has 2 plugs 1 for a case fan and 1 for the powersupply fan#2 . i got a radeon 9800 pro and it is a heater in the case. i got time and money. lets spend....... kidding.

all three fans r cool master 80 mm 2 rear 1 fornt case is over 40c

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ok so you got money :P . get a lian li pc-65 and put some 80mm tornados in the front and drill another hole in the back and put 2 80mm tornados there. And for the blow hole lets make it a 92mm tornado. and you could get some wheels and put a fan in the bottom exausting. Ohh boy that makes me happy i cant wait to get mine. You could do that if you didnt mind the noise of a freight train rollin through your house :P

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get a nice cooler for your card and your set. also siwthc around your fans. stick two in the front. and one in the back. if u dont have room then keep it the way it is and put a blowhole on the window, with the fan blowing towards your Northbridge. have a blowhole on top sucking air out. my case temps are 22-25 max, with this config

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mmm i fixed it my self. i switched the power from fan only to a real power plug . man it blows and sucks liks a chickenhead (just ask) now..


p4 2.8 oc to 2.998 5% fsb 840


asus p4p800 se


raedon9800 pro (lost my c d #1 for vietman after 1 week)


geil 4000 mem


case ams gmono

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if you haven't already, get an Arctic Cooling VGA Silencer... its one of the best coolers for the 9800pro and best of all is it blows the heat exhaust OUT the back of your computer instead of adding to the heat inside... and they're like $15 or something ridiculous...

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