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Good Amd Oc'ers

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Hey well i am upgrading my amd box to a better overclocker, I currently have an XP 2200+ and Epox 8k5a2+ But they dont overclock well. Im thinking of getting an Abit NF7-s but i want to know what are some good overclockers and what have you seen them hit.

I know that the 1700 is a good Overclocker and i believe the 2600 is too.

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The mobile chips seem to be doing really well right now. They are very reasonably priced, and be clocked as high as 2.6GHz with some luck.


The NF7-S is a good board, I have one for my mobile setup...all though I've yet to get it running. The ASUS A7N8X has been good for people. Some here swear by the DFI boards, even though they seem to have some BIOS issues.

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I have an ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe which overclocks great with my 2800+ Barton. I would definately recommend one of the ASUS A7N8X boards for good OCing.


As for processors, I know right now the 2500+ mobile is clocking amazingly well on just air.

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Yeh i have a friend with that Asus board and has used the Lanparty,Abit, and currently the asus and he loves it with his xp 2600 at 2.51 locked and on air.Also what is the difference between the NF7-S and NF7 because the nf7-s has a limit of 1.85 for the vcore and i dont like that.

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i just switched from the A7N8X-deluxe to the NF7-S and i like the abit more, are you really gona need over 1.85volts..

Well im using 1.8 now but im really sucking everything this xp 2200 has.


Well i think im gonna go with the NF7-S since i hear it has a voltage mod, and with a xp 2500+ since my 2200 sux at oc'in :).

Edited by chillinhh

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Yeah, from personal experience I say, go with the mobiles, for you really get the bang for the buck when it comes to these processors. I have my rig setup with the mobile 2600+@ 2.6 on air together with the Abit NF7-S, wow I have never been so satisfied with what I have. If your looking for better overclocking components than I recommend the NF7-S and the AMD mobiles( prefferrably 2500+ and up). But then again it's your decision on what to get, I have also had a good experience with Asus motherboards as well, so either way your good and on track.

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