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Was just playing Battlefield Vietnam on Ayokona's server and some **** head named lt barns kept tking or attempting to tk people on our team. So he'd spawn and coming running for a team mate with the knife or shoot at 'em or try and blow them up with TNT and I'd mow him down with the RPD. Well I got a score of -11 from killing this idiot so we could actually spawn and accomplish something and then some **** on the U.S. team, who had been on the NVA team and knew that lt barns was tking, and had congratulated me for killing him when he attempted to tk, shouts out, "hey he's got a score of -11" and I get kicked. ******* lovely. <_<

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PM me I will give you admin privaleges....

That really sucks I hate tkers....

I have the server set @ autokick on minus score -10 ...

Sorry it was automatic...

PM me and also what was his name? I will ban him right now!

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If I see him I won't hesitate to boot him.Warning people nicely just doesn't get the message across.I try and try to be civil with people,but sometimes the only solution is "XXXXX was kicked from the server."I have a pet peeve for team stackers too.This is a bigger prob than m60 pwnag3.

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Or teammates who destroy your heli or airplane because you got their first. That is immediate kick/ban. :)

whats your server and when does it run i wanna play wit you guys, Its my Server in my sig (except not DC, BF:V), and it runs 24/7

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