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Another Mobile 2500+ ?

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I just got my


AMD Mobile Athlon XP2500 Processor(Tray) (IQYHA:0348XPMW)


Kingston HyperX PC-3700 1G Dual Channel


I need to know from someone that has used the uber bios rev. 1007 on the A7n8x (in sig) or any board for that bios, whether or not I may have to use the uber bios rev. 1007 to hopefully reach 11x233. And if you have did you have any problems with the onboard Sata raid controler? I have read in some topics that the chipset voltage may need to be increased and the only way is to use the uber bios. :unsure: I may or may not reach 11x233 but I'm going to try and hit that mark.


I have been wondering if the reviews on the mobile are true so I got the bug. Also I was planning on booting up with a 1.65vcore which is the lowest this board will go and 11x166. If I do should I burn in with Prime95 for two days or just push it up on that vcore as far as it will go and then burn in?


Also I'm running raid-0 and if I have to clear the cmos will I need to re-setup the raid on the controller. I know these are newbie questions but I haven't had to deal with this yet so I need a leason from the brain team B)


I posted this in a previous topic I did, thought it was interesting :P


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i can say a few things that are not related to the mainboard....

you should go with the lowest Vcore your board can support...shoot for the highest FSB it ca nhandle...prime it 2 days.....then go for the max the chip can handle.... i've seen nuclear use this method with success on his P4's


if you clear cmos you do not have to setup the raid config again...the raid controller is seperate from your BIOS

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Ya, start with the lowest vcore and max out the OC. THen up the vcore a little, up the multiplier then tweak the FSB. that shoudl get you good OCs with low temps. For the Prime95. Well, I think playing something like Halo or UT2K4 would do it for a couple hours. HOpe to see a good overclock. When i scrounge up enough money, i gonna get a mobile 2600 or 2500. Depends on the stats i see here and the price. Happy OCing!!!

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do it...buy it...it's the ebst thing you ever do!

i got mine at 2.43GHz now....and got it up to 2600MHz with 1.9Vcore...and my chip is batch # 840....that is very far away from the center of the wafer ( more center is better )

i've seen a 0330 batch nummer get 2.5GHz with 1.65Vcore...

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Thanks for the info guys that really helps! I plan on getting all this chip has to give me. lol For $93.00 I figure I couldn't go wrong on the proc. and ram price for a 1g isn't to bad. :rolleyes: What is funny is I haven't seen anyone throw faster ram at the mobile proc. they all have been using 3200 ddr. <_<

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I think I'm gonna have to build a mobile rig and see what all the hype is about. I've been wanting to build another AMD rig, so this would be a good reason.




Isn't that vcore a little high? I know the Bartons take 1.9v really well, but for a mobile that's rated at less than 1.5v aren't you stretching it? I know very little about the mobiles, so forgive me if I'm ay off.

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Isn't that vcore a little high? I know the Bartons take 1.9v really well, but for a mobile that's rated at less than 1.5v aren't you stretching it? I know very little about the mobiles, so forgive me if I'm ay off.



From what I hear, the mobiles are basically normal bartons, which have been stressed and tested to see if they will run stable at the lower voltages. I assume this means that they'll work just as well at higher volts. However, a voltage above 1.8 with these things doesn't seem to produce much (if any) increase in clocks, so it is probably an unwarranted risk.


Raar. Can't wait for my paycheck this friday, thefirst thing I'll be getting is a mobile 2600+. :P

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yeah..what ravix said is pretty much true...i can get stable at 2430 with 1.76 and it needs 1.9 to get stable at 2600....so with a mobile when you increase above 1.8 the gain is way less then before the 1.8

and a mobile is a normal barton just at lower stock operating voltages.

my barton couldn't do 2500MHz with 2.0V so it does make alot of difference

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yeah..what ravix said is pretty much true...i can get stable at 2430 with 1.76 and it needs 1.9 to get stable at 2600....so with a mobile when you increase above 1.8 the gain is way less then before the 1.8

and a mobile is a normal barton just at lower stock operating voltages.

my barton couldn't do 2500MHz with 2.0V so it does make alot of difference

I would be happy to hit 11x233=2563 466fsb with this mobile. I want to try and use all of this ram I can. I got my figures crossed. The Barton I have in now will do 11x200 @ 1.8vcore and that is sad I think. I have to wait to put this mobile in tomorrw after work. :P


Anyone know anything about the uber bios rev.1007 ? <_< Pros. cons would be great!


oh ya and :foldon: !

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uber made no difference for me....


much testing showed that the higher chipset voltage made no difference...


what you will need for higher FSB is a higher vDimm... something the Asus board just can't do....


there may be vDimm mods, but that is not my gig.....


I could never get past 210 on my A7N8X.......hence the reason I have a Lanparty in my main rig now... ;)


but I do hope you do better than I did with my Asus....

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