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What Drivers Do You Use? Ati Or Omega

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i was wondering what drivers most people as using with ati cards, omega or ati, i heard omega drivers have really went down hill are there any other custom drivers out there?

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I tried the omegas and didn't really notice much difference.So generally I stick with ATI+Rage 3d tweak.I've never tried DNA drivers- the regulars over at DriverHeaven don't seem to like them much.But then again,alot of those cats swear by omega.

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I use the cats. I tried the omegas and hated them. All around (obvious) performance loss, and I didn't notice any better image quality. And yes, I installed them correctly before everyone insists I didn't un-install the cat's first. :)

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Back when I had my mx440 I used the omega drivers and loved them. However since I switched to ati they have caused me nothing but grief. As for the dna drivers i really didn't care for them (had some wierd problems) so I stick with the regular cats. As for ocing no reason to when your comp runs everything at max heh :P

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