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Fallout 4 - Coming November 10, 2015


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Nintendo and Square Enix on June 16.




I'm curious what the collector's edition will be like and if there will be just one or more variants of it. Have ones from both 3 and NV, so probably get the one for 4, too.


Some part of me thinks the Brotherhood in this is more of the west coast guys, since Elder Lyons was a bit of a radical in the Capital Wasteland. So with that, any Brotherhood you encounter in Fallout 4 will be desiring technology and not entirely caring for the local populous.


If the Enclave appears, it will be interesting, considering they are severely reduced from what they were. ED-E in FNV had the Illinois plate and some other markings, so they at least have to some outposts still around. Chicago seems the most likely, but maybe some others hidden away, too. Still, they'll be a shadow of their former selves, I'm guessing.


The super mutants, well, I'll be curious if they're the Capital Wasteland type or the west coast type. Guess we'll need to see when Bethesda unveils it. The shot makes them look more green than yellow, so maybe they're the west coast, but again, dunno for sure.

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There are plenty of eyebots roaming around, so would just have to say a random eyebot. There were plenty in Fallout 3 spreading the Enclave's message, so maybe these ones are spreading the Institute's or Brotherhood's message. Who knows. They've been in the series since the beginning anyway.

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Possibly, just read the wiki page and they aren't an enclave creation, there were plans for an BoS outcast one for F3 but was cut, but the NV DLC had some apparently... guess I should play those =) I do hope Enclave armour or something like that will be making an appearance though

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The Lonesome Road DLC for FNV has a bunch of eyebots, plus upgrades for ED-E. Well worth it for that, plus it's a really great bit of story content.


Eyebots were made by RobCo, just like any other robot you'll find in Fallout. What they were repurposed for later doesn't factor in except for who's using what.

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My hours between the two are pretty well split. Maybe a bit more towards FNV than Fallout 3, especially given how buggy 3 can be on Windows 7 and later.

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I spent a LOT more time in Fallout 3 than NV. NV just never hooked me like the original.


I preordered Fallout 4...and I never preorder anything.

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OK, so in the Scollay Square picture, there's a man walking towards the camera (for lack of a better word). Seems like a regular dude, right?







Well... not exactly. He has a freaking metal hand and potentially eyes that glow. I enlarged the pic to make it more noticeable, but you can clearly see the right hand is metal (and most likely his entire right arm). So, android? Android.





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