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Fallout 4 - Coming November 10, 2015


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That seriously sucks. They have a number or anything to contact and see what the holdup is?


Also, slight problem with the Pip-Boy is that I can't comfortably wear it and use the keyboard. :lol: It's a little tight and doesn't fit around my arm that great if I move it down enough to use the keyboard. I always planned on using it as a display piece anyway, but still, it's cool to wear it some. So long as I don't plan on typing any.

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I cba atm, I have a test on monday and some assignments for Wednesday, can't wait for it to arrive on Monday :P If I preorder anything online I'm just going to go for DPD or whatever. Too bad Bethesda/Zenimax didn't have a retailer supply the steelbook edition here :/ Then again not surprised since it is them ;)


Use a controller lel. Do you use the app much or is it not worth the effort?

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Yeah and I live in Ireland(so two different postal services across a sea), they used to have stores here but they went into administration and closed their stores here a few years ago. It's weird how things shipped from mainland Europe/Scandinavia arrive faster :/

Amazon france reviews for the steelbook say that they used glue to stick on a box containing other stuff to the steelbook and it's really hard to remove the glue without damaging the paint, hopefully it won't be the same for the Game one :s

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I removed the stickers very carefully from the plastic bit surrounding the Pip-Boy box. Still has a touch of residue, but nothing that is hard to come off.


I remember GAME went into administration, but didn't realize they hadn't opened up those stores again. That sucks.

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No traits. Fallout 3 didn't have them, neither does Fallout 4. I honestly don't even miss them. Tons of fun without it, and I usually end up picking the same traits either way. :lol: There are a ton of perks to choose from and figure out what you want to take, with different ranks in each one. Slowly working on ones for mods and gear, plus for my settlements.


I have five settlements set up so far, with two more further out I haven't gotten to yet. Supply lines set up with all of them so I can share resources between them; makes it easy to build, which I've spent a ton of time doing so, lol.

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Enjoying the game so far. Wish my dude could carry more gear/loot. Constantly dumping gear on my companion and still walking out of a zone, having to bump that buffout to fast travel and unload is getting old. Now I'm addicted to chems.  :woo:

Also, anyone getting stuck on terminals? I have to save before accessing any terminals or I get a 50% chance of getting stuck when exiting. I heard it's tied to the refresh rate. So annoying.

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