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Fallout 4 - Coming November 10, 2015


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Yeah, definitely. The app looks to sync up over WiFi, at least from what I could gather from the IP bit in it. Plus there's an offline mode, too.


The first trailer shows your character with a power fist at that fighting arena, but I dunno about anything for the Power Armor. Those have usually just been guns and rippers, I believe. I think the Power Armor can only be used if you have enough fusion cores for it, but that could just be speculation so far. Dunno if it was confirmed or not, but hey, four days to go.


Ah, well it's something at least. Amazon has a warehouse in Phoenix, so I don't expect mine to ship until either late Sunday night or sometime Monday. It's going just a couple hours south anyway, since I have it going to my parents. :lol: Sadly that means I won't be playing until Thursday when I get back. Ah well. This game is a marathon anyway. No need to sprint through it and not even bother to take the time to enjoy it.


Inside the Power Armor? No, wouldn't expect the hands to reach. There are controls inside for the hands, so I don't think you can attach a weapon to them like Ash can in Evil Dead. :lol:


I think the voice of the lady talking to you about the Railroad and saving synths (0:36 mark) is Carrie-Anne Moss. Sounds like her, at least. Also, you notice how firing the plasma rifle had the bits up top go up and down? And how the deathclaw reacted to being shot by grabbing its chest?

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Four long days :')


Yeah, it's coming in from another country though so there's that too :c I hope the post offices are in Fallout 4 mode. Thursday? Be careful you don't overdose on hype :D


Yeah I edited my post to mention dem handles, I only realised what they were when I looked at the left hand, I thought the one on the right hand was a guide for the arm >.< Mods will let us if we can't hehehe. I like how they're going more in-depth with the power armour though, I love me some power armour


Yeah the attention to detail looks good in this ^.^ I wasn't too happy with the deathclaw being such a pansy, it's only high power laser burns :D Would of been more badass if it flinched but kept going :D fingers crossed for something to top deathclaws and cazadors lel


this is going to be one long weekend


also I wonder if that armour less power armour frame is a thing for the player too, maybe increased carry capacity but less protection, but that doesn't seem to work with them working like vehicles now, oh well

Edited by DanTheGamer11

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So it has to come in from overseas then? I thought there's a warehouse in the UK?


The Power Armor looks fantastic and I love how it's more of a walking tank now, like it always was meant to be. FO3 and FNV just had it like better armor than what you can typically get, but FO4 so far seems to treat it as more of a special thing that keeps you from getting torn to shreds. Well, at least easily torn, lol.


I do like that the deathclaws tend to dodge the bullets as much as possible, like in the minigun fight. Should make for some good AI, or hopefully good. Please no, we don't need anything worse than cazadores. :lol:


What do you mean with the frame? Like one we can wear? I doubt it. It's a means of swapping out parts onto so we can get a truly custom look to our Power Armor. I don't think we'd be able to wear it, but maybe? Who knows.

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I don't live in the UK, it has more stuff to go through before reaching me :c


That's the reason why I like it too, the sprint bash is going to be fun hopefully, it was fun to run into people with speed mode in Crysis Warhead and knocking them down into a ragdoll, hopefully it will be as fun in this >:) First thing I'm gonna do when I get my hands on the armour is to see if it floats tho, nothing like sneaking on a lake bed :D


It tried but most of the bullets were hitting it xD new animations are nice, tbh it probably just wanted to dance. Oh don't you know why that Brotherhood of Steel airship was downed in the trailer? Radiation does funny things to a cazadore :D

It's sort of scary that one hit from a deathclaw did like 20% of the armour health(or person, not sure) :S At least it's not totally overpowered ^^


Yeah when the camera shifts to inside the airship or wherever you can see a person wearing the frame while repairing the armour or something, maybe it's just an npc thing. Would be interesting to see it available for players tho, maybe more strength with no agility/speed penalty or whatever, idk.

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Ah, but still, better to have it close by instead of coming from the States.


You do that and let us know. :lol: Not our fault if you sink and have to reload. I wonder how much sprinting will be possible in the Power Armor, if at all.


Well, you can only dodge so many when you're that tall and the person is firing a minigun. :P If there's something worse than a cazador, it gets a mini nuke up it. And yeah, it is nice the deathclaws don't seem to be able to kill you in a couple hits in Power Armor. We'll see when you're just in rags.


I think that's just the frame itself with no one in it. Notice how there's a gap in the leg area? Unless someone is just sitting in it with their legs all propped up outside the frame. :lol:





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I guess


I will, for science(I hope the jetpack works underwater though... unless the suit stops working when you touch some water :/ )! Would suck for me if there's mutant marine wildlife now(mirelurks r noobs k). ;o


True lol, too bad the enclave isn't around afaik, they could make power armour for deathclaws yay. I think you're gonna be seeing the death animation(hopefully more than the grab, or was it an attack animation?) from a deathclaw a lot when you're wearing light armour :D I wonder if they're gonna have a terminator like android as a reference, they'd be crazy not to D:


Oh LOL, I guess that rustish brown stuff is some padding or something >.< rip dream.

Hmm there's sparks flying from something between the frame and armour :O There also seems to be some differences in the upper leg bit, almost like there's a stump in the right leg frame, I'm probably getting something from nothing though(the garage power armour has that brown stuff covering all the inside from the front, i don't know anymore lol)


Is it just me or does the railgun or whatever shot at 2:04/05 make bits of the power armour fly off?? the nixie tubes look so good for the settings on the weapon btw

Edited by DanTheGamer11

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Good. I expect a full report on the Power Armor swim test. :lol:


The Enclave could still appear, never know. They should be pretty well and gone, considering they were wiped out earlier. I am curious on the X-01 Power Armor parts we can get, since that's basically the Advanced Power Armor the Enclave had. Rather curious about that. As for the Terminator synths, kind of. In the launch trailer, one of them even looks that way, holding the gun on the guy coming out of hiding.


Yeah, there's some interesting bits from that scene. Definitely looking forward to finding out for sure!

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Yeah same, there's a bunch of possibilities, I wonder how(or if) characters react to enclave armour... maybe the enclave one is waterproof c:

Yeah I linked that pic on a previous page, I even linked the judgement day theme :')

Attention to detail seems good so far, think I will enjoy it from that perspective a lot, at least for the power armour ^.^ I wonder if we can craft mini nukes with lasers on then cuz why not, or maybe a silencer lel

I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hope they send my copy out tomorrow D: I think I will ban myself from facebook and other sites this weekend


That airship deploys vertibirds weird, seems like it lowers them on an arm and they hover below or something... tricky landings

There's crops in the building sequence too, I've always wanted to be a post apocalyptic corn farmers

The thing in the hallway at 2:22 is mysterious too

Edited by DanTheGamer11

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You just want to go swimming with the radioactive monsters out in Boston Harbor. :P:lol:


Yeah, I saw, and definitely looks that way. Kind of hard to miss that connection, lol


I don't know if mini nukes can be crafted. They've never been before.


I'm already avoiding the Fallout and general gaming subs on reddit. Don't need that.


That "thing" just looks to be a synth without all the fleshy bits on the frame. Definitely freaky looking, but pretty cool to see that kind of interior detail. There were crops in FNV. :P Guess you have to be really good at piloting a Vertibird to land it in the airship. Hell of a dicey thing.

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