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Leaked Specifications and 3DMark Performance Arrive for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti; Launching Soon?


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Everyone who knows me says when I married my wonderful wife,.. thirty years ago that I married up and she was way out of my league,.. she told all her friends that she could change me,.. and god bless her she did change me.


So honey if your reading this,.. you made me what I am today, an upper tier product kinda guy,.. so please I have needs niche card needs (TITAN X) to be exact. :wub:     


Polite golf applause!  :woo:

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Told ya $800+for gtx 980 ti

msrp is $699 - $749 but msrp and market are never the same 

but at $699 i will gladly eat my words when ranted about rising gpu prices at that price its equal to the 780 ti release. 

Edited by jdm_freek

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