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BlueScreen issues


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In advance, I'd like to apologize if this is in the wrong section of the forums, I'm not entirely sure where this goes.


On to the topic - 


My computer has had some errors lately with Blue Screening. Sometimes when I power on my computer, it'll Blue Screen after boot, typically after I sign in and all.

I've noticed that it's typically when my keyboard has issues (Razer Lycosa, as it's having LED back-lit problems as I'm typing this, lights turning on and off). - Looking to replace this soon.

A quick temporary fix to this is unplugging the keyboard from my tower, connection via USB. It's severely irritating.


Although it may sound (from my readings and understanding) a power supply problem. I'm convinced that it's not, because I have a Thermaltake Smart M850W PSU. I'm not running any crazy high-end hardware, so I figured 850W is plenty of power to provide to my system.


On top of that, once in a while if I plug anything in via USB (webcam, iPod, etc.) my computer will freeze. This is usually the front ports on my tower, and again - it only happens once in a while.



Any insight on what errors may be happening? If any hardware or software/driver information is needed, please ask - I wasn't sure what information was relevant.



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Don't sound like a psu problem to me, sounds like a usb problem, reinstall the chipset drivers and usb drivers if separate from chipset. If it is a faulty keyboard replace it or the problem won't go away.

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Hm, well I say PSU because I had a few people saying that I probably didn't have enough power to distribute. - But the keyboard is definitely faulty, I just didn't think it would cause my PC to Bluescreen lol.


How would I know if the USB drivers were separate? My mobo came with 1 driver disc. 

I believe in the past I've looked around ASRock ( my mobo brand) on the internet and haven't had much luck in finding a separate USB driver.

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Most times it's included with the chipset driver, some mb's have a separate driver for usb3 as is the case with my gigabyte board, if you updated all your drivers from the site you should be fine, but yes a faulty keyboard will cause this problem as it causes the usb port to send faulty signals to the mb.

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Is it not possible your keyboard is fine and you are just having motherboard usb issues?


What hardware do you have?


Go to the asrock website and download the drivers for your board and any other updates newer than the stuff from the disk.



I see the asus xfast drivers for usb plus an additional intel usb 3.0 driver, it all depends on your exact board though.

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A few suggestions;


If any of your components are overclocked - reset to default values


Download and install the latest drivers for all of your hardware

Full driver packages can be downloaded from your motherboard mfg website and the websites of other hardware you have in your rid (i.e. graphics, audio, add-in cards etc.)


Make sure that you are running the latest official BIOS release for your motherboard


Run driver verifier



Memtest86+ eight hours or longer


Download and install the latest drivers for all of your hardware


Download and run BlueScreenView and post up results here

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