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XFX HD7950 Core Edition Overclocking


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I dont have specifics of what you gains will be overall between core and memory. I can say that memory speed does impact performance when you overclock. FPS performance improves as core speed goes up. As memory speed goes up the improvements are smaller. 


The last cards I did I was playing with this and saw decent improvements when pushing the memory speed that allowed my 3DMark scoring to scale nicely. I'll be working on an article in the next day or so and will look at the impact. 


Is there a good vBios that you suggest me to flash over the stock one to achieve better performance?


All a vBIOS will do is hard code your settings and or relax the memory timings to scale the memory higher. I would use what you have and play around in MSI Afterburner, Sapphire TRIXX or any of the other utilities to get the most out of the card. Then and only then you can set the program to launch the  profile at windows launch so it applies right from the start.  My replacement card barely hits 1120Mhz on the core so its all what the silicon will do at a specific voltage. 

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I just figured out why my HD7950 won't overclock higher than that.


It has an ASIC quality of 63% (which is pretty crappy) and I would need to go as high a 1.3V to get the core to 1150.


What bugs me is the GDDR5 why can't it go any higher than 1400MHz as I've seen MANY HD7950 reach 1500MHz pretty easily.


If anyone has an answer to that I'm interested to learn more :)

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Did you check the GDDR5 modules on it? Hynix usually scales pretty high but it may be as simple as the voltage used in the vBIOS or the memory ratings. Early samples clocked better when the only difference between a 7970 and 7950  was the amount of cores available on the die. Essentially its still the same difference but I think they have been slipping in lower rated memory and cores that don't clock nearly as well as the originals. Hence you asic rating.   

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Problem is, my GDDR5 is Hynix on the card. There is no way it can go higher than 1400MHz.


I've read on internet that we can increase the voltage that goes through the GDDR5 by some ways but they were not explained.


Can you help me on that as I've given up on the GPU (obviously because of the ASIC quality) but the GDDR5 is pretty good one.

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Damn, you really wanna crank ever percent of a percent out of this thing lol


Have you done some performance tests, I guarantee what little the bios mods give you won't be worth the effort/potential damage/potential bricking.

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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