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950 vs 4770k for laying Rift

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I am running an i7 950@ 3.8 currently and thinkin of finally replacing it with an i7 4770k plugged into an Asus Sabertooth, mainly in the hopes that I will get some better performance out of Rift. If there is anyone on here who plays Rift and has upgraded from anything else, esp a first gen i3/5/7 to Haswell and noticed a change would love to hear if it is worth the upgrade or not. 

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I haven't connected for a while to Rift, but next time I do I will check if anyone in the guild upgraded recently and I will report back.


I have a Phenom II 955 @ 3.8 + Crosshair IV Formula + 6950 2GB + 8GB 1600Mhz RAM... I run rift at max pretty much and only see slow downs during Boss zone event fights. It seems that even with a monster system it's the same anyway, FPS will crawl to abyssal values when the servers are saturated.

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You'll see essentially no difference between the two.



Same, other than easier overclocking (which yours is already well OC'd) you'd likely see no difference day to day. Unless you do hardcore encoding or video rendering and desperately need/want to cut down your generation times... I'd save your money!!


There's no game out, including Rift, that'd over work a 950 to the point that a 4770K upgrade is justifiable all on its own.

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