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Swapping laptop screens, calling all screen experts!


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So i recently purchased a new laptop machine (specs in sig), to get it I had to sell my Alienware M17X-R2 which had a brilliant Samsung RGBLED screen, I regret selling it for that reason.


Here is my plan, currently I have a Hannstar HSD173PUW1 ( http://www.panelook.com/HSD173PUW1-A_HannStar_17.3_LCM_overview_12135.html )


I hope to replace it with a LG/PHILIPS LP173WF3 ( http://www.panelook.com/LP173WF3-SLB2_LG%20Display_17.3_LCM_overview_15556.html


My only concern is that they both use the same signal type, mounting holes and power connectors but the LG screen is a 10-BIT and the Hannstar is a 6-bit interface, would this cause any sort of signal issues? 



- Nevermind, I found the manufacturer data sheets and realized they are not the same connector. 

Edited by CAINuKe

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checkout laptopscreen.com , that's where I found the panel for my now dead laptop. Their search function is pretty good, especially with name brand laptop (my laptop wasn't but I just searched the model number of my panel)

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