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Nvidia legacy 310.33 driver woes


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Anyone have issues with the new driver 310.33? I got system freezes and got them more and more frequently until I wiped that driver out at reinstalled 306.97 whql. Just seeing if it was just me or something others are experiencing.

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The 310.33 drivers are in beta, so these issues you're having may not be uncommon for those also testing them. Have you checked out the nVidia forums? There may be more information there because I'm not sure how many people here would be running the beta drivers.

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Nvidia's forums are still down. Try Guru3d.com's Nvidia driver section. Here is the specific thread for this driver: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=370098


I haven't tried these out yet, but I might skip them now. Seems some people aren't getting the promised FPS improvements and the new Physx packaged with this driver doesn't work with some games (at least Metro 2033, Batman: AC, UT3). I didn't read very much of the thread, but I will stick with WHQL for now.

Edited by 90sgamer

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