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GTX 660ti or GTX 670?

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Ok here is my current setup


I7 930 OC'd 3.8

Noctua NHD-14

6GB of Ram

120gb Vertex 2

2Tb Hdd WDB

Asus Rampage 3 MB

1000 Kingston PSU

Haf X

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

24 inch Asus monitor



My plan is to update the entire PC over the next 5-6 months but I want to start with the graphics card first. My choice is between








The plan is to go SLI with either card and use the GT 520 for Phys X. Right now I can either get both 660ti's or one 670 and the other in about a month. I game at 1900 x 1200 on a regular basis and also use the HDMI out to my TV for movies and games. I plan on moving to LGA 2011 also so I'm not worried about lanes filling up. Just looking for advice and opinions.



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Well, if you're going to SLI, and you've got the cash, might as well get dual 670's. You're going to be upgrading to LGA2011, which is quite an extreme series so you'll get max performance out of these.


The 660ti is 192-bit based, while the 670 is 256-bit.


In most of the single card tests the 660ti's scores were close to the scores of the 670, but when they were SLi'd the 670's scored comparatively higher than what the dual 660ti's had scored.


As for the PsyX, i don't think you'll need the Physix since most of the games these days don't really utilize Pysix. And the Pysix of your 660ti or 670 will be better than the 520 !



Check out this website for a more in-depth comparison of the 660ti and 670 :)


Good Luck!

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My vote is for a single GTX 670. If planning on sticking with a single monitor and no lame 3D Gaming, the 2GB model is fine but you could grab the 4GB just to be safe ...though honestly, I really don't see a single 1080p monitor needing more than 2GB but games like Dishonored are coming out requiring more VRAM than previous games required.


A single 7950 would be enough to game on and really is the card to pick right now for Price to performance, but if you have the money to buy a GTX 670 than I would go that route. You really wouldn't need to SLI/CF either card though ...unless you plan on moving to triple monitor gaming and/or 3D gaming.

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