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Help with WC for 2600k and hd 6870 setup

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Hi folks. Just wanting to get some input and reccs on a w/c setup for my 2600k and xfx hd6870 black edition gpu. I am very noob to w/c but pretty good with computers in general. I did look at the sticky for w/c help and checked the stores and links, but frankly there is so much different stuff to choose from, a guy can get lost if he is nubbish like me. I am obviously attracted to the XSPC setups due to the low price, but also am hesitant because it is so much lower than other stuff out there.


Right now I have a CM v6gt on my cpu and it is entirely too loud and it still gets to 80c when loaded on 4.5 ghz oc. Not acceptable to me at all. Also, my gpu gets loud as hell when loaded down, and I am just really tired of all that noise in my living room. So you could say my main objective is silence, with actual temp performance a very close second. I don't do crazy oc's or benching, just a gamer. I have an HAF 932 case that is made for a w/c setup, so I definitely want to take advantage of that. My budget would be no more than around 250 or so for the basic cpu kit and I can add gpu later on.


Thanks for any help

Edited by generalkorrd

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Seems similar to my 2600k hitting 80C+ when going at 100% load...


To be honest the XSPC sets are probably your best bet on good watercooling at a low price compared to the sealed loop set-ups.


You using the h70 in your sig? If so, it's still hits 80c??

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Mine might be a rare situation look at this thread: http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.php?showtopic=192815&st=60


LOL well, I'm not going to get involved in the hairyness that is your setup! I have enough problems of my own. Good luck on yours though. Do you hav experience with the xspc stuff then? Is it good and reliable or just cheap crap?

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LOL well, I'm not going to get involved in the hairyness that is your setup! I have enough problems of my own. Good luck on yours though. Do you hav experience with the xspc stuff then? Is it good and reliable or just cheap crap?


From what I know they make good watercooling kits and they preform better than closed loop sets like this H70 I have.

Edited by My_Inner_Fred

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From what I know they make good watercooling kits and they preform batter than closed loop sets like this H70 I have.

Ok, well i will definitely look a little harder at those then. I do have a chance to pick up some used w/c stuff, so I'm going to see how that prices out and go from there. That rx360 kit from xspc looks pretty good at 189, seems to be right up my alley.

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Whats wrong with my tone?

I didn't expect the h70 to perform so poorly, and I really have nothig to add to Fred's thread as I don't have enough knowledge, so I decided to stay out of it. Then I wondered where any advicegivers were. I cant see how that's a problem.

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