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Need a WW2 game


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Hi all, I need a game based on WW2 if possible. I run a Lappy with a C2D "Penryn" coupled with a 9800M GT 512 (G92 REV A2). Now the CPU which is a T9400, full load being 2.53GHz. I was given a rts game called officers but cannot run it in a stable fashion. Would guess fps would be "pakled" level. Ok I'll get to the point. A WW2 online or not, that could handle the above specs. Even if it is old, and if it can handle Vista X64, can anybody recommend anything? Thanks.

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Okay for pure Strategy look at Hearts of Iron, the game is amazing. Also look at Company of Heroes and Battlefield 1942. These are a just a few, there are so many. The game I am in right now is World of Tanks, not really WW2 but done in that theme and style.

Edited by ComputerEd

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In no particular order



Company of Heroes (Has a couple of standalone/expansions and a Free 2 Play version)



Brothers in Arms (3 or so PC games)

Day of Defeat / Day of Defeat: Source

Red Orchestra / Red Orchestra 2 / Darkest Hour Mod for RO1 <-- I have a guest pass for RO2 on Steam if you want to try it.

Heroes & Generals (need an invite to play)

World of Tanks (Arcade/Simulation Tank battles, Free 2 Play)

Edited by AZNguyen

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Thanks for the replies peeps.


AZNguyen.. "Red Orchestra / Red Orchestra 2 / Darkest Hour Mod for RO1 <-- I have a guest pass for RO2 on Steam if you want to try it.". Thanks for the offer, I'll have a route around on Steam, heard some stuff about the game. How could I forget HOI, thanks ComputerEd for the reminder :P MJCRO, got MOH Airborne. Took a huge risk with the game requiring 30 % over my CPU, but did play, but kept dropping fps.


EDIT> Found this while googling. Any thoughts on this one?

Edited by Transk53

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Never tried that one since its subscription based. On another note I saw their other game in development:

(Free 2 Play)


Well, some nice thoughts there. Actually hope that the guy's make this a success, a worthy endeavour indeed. A favour for a friend resulted in being given a copy of CoH. Hope it will run under 64bit Vista and no memory leakage.

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