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Whats the difference between these 2 cards?

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To be honest I'd probably get a 7 series card and forget the Hybrid Crossfire setup with the APU. A single 7750 would be a lot faster than what you're looking at and there are a few fanless versions too. I have the Sapphire 7750 Ultimate in my HTPC and it is absolutely awesome.



Waco your always so late to the party!!!!


i just ordered it!!! grrrrr, i got the 6670, it was like a 100bux on newegg with a 15 dollar rebate... so i figured I would go ahead and get it.. and if there was any problems with it, I would have some time to RMA it and trouble shoot it before Diablo 3 hits, and I am also moving back to college this summer to start summer school.. so I wanted the system all ready and finished tweaking by then.


yeah i was looking at the 7750... but it was like 30bux more, and it doesn't have that great of reviews yet.. plus i figured it would be a waste of money on me buying an APU if i didn't end up using the crossfire abilities... so i guess this way I would still be using what i bought kinda..



ummm I hope i don't regret not getting the 7750.. because there was a Sapphire 7750 i was really looking at buying.. but i guess its too late now.. i just ordered the 6670 literally 10 minutes ago..



Thanks for all of your help!!! i ended up going with the Sapphire just because it has that DDR5... hopefully it will be better then that DDR3 from HIS.

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