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Codename: Baracude

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its supposed to be Codename:Barracuda, but anyway Ravix got me thinking about some kind of sweet mod. Like have a big custom aquarium and like put a water tight uv reactive acrylic case with some led lights and uv reactive cables and fans in something like this (yes I have too much time on my hands):


shot from above:



shot from the front:



shot from the side:




just wonder what you guys thought?

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I think that the gold fish are going to get soggy. :P



I'd suggest making that system water cooled, and having the rad/fans external to the system. Doing this, you wouldn't have to worry about case fans, air flow, and heating up the aquarium as much.


Cleaning the aquarium would be a pain.

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that looks like a good idea to me. id say get it started and post some pictures of what it looks like. you should find some uv reactive fish and people might think there not real. good luck

yeah i'm probably not going to be doing this anytime soon i just wanted to se what u guys thought about it. its a little expensive for me right now. but it will be done! heh as for complicated, not really. just some glass cutting, the only complicated part would be trying to get in definately water tight and getting the joints to hold the pressure of that much water. Also cleaning it wouldn't be that bad if i could put it somewhere where i can get to it easily or put some handles on both end so i can move it easily. i like the water cooled idea. i could just replace the 120mm fans on top with radiators. hmm wonder if there is a way to use the water in the tank.....maybe put some kind of filter on the line and then lead it into the water cooling system?

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lik i said it wouldn't be hard to setup i would buy the case prefab. and then just make the aquarium and for cleaning i could figure out away to drain it and a way to take the case apart from the aquarium part and then just spray it out with a water hose outside. as for lan parties hehehe i doubt i would be taking it to lan parties anytime soon unless i put it on some kind of rollers and transported it in a coverded trailer but all this equals too much hassle. oh and i found what kind of fish i want to put in it, there are zebra fish that actually glow in the dark and react to uv rays.

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Hey if your seriouslly going to do it one day I would seriouslly consider NOT using the tank water for your cooling as the crap mey get through the filters will cause you a real headache not to mention possiblly heating the water to uncomfortabley dangerous levels for the fish. All in all I think the idea is the shiznit. Also you might want to consider 1/4 or 1/2 inch plexi as you can drill holes at the seams and screw them together with sealant, epoxy or gasket material of some sort thus creating a stronger seam. Good luck.

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Hey if your seriouslly going to do it one day I would seriouslly consider NOT using the tank water for your cooling as the crap mey get through the filters will cause you a real headache not to mention possiblly heating the water to uncomfortabley dangerous levels for the fish. All in all I think the idea is the shiznit. Also you might want to consider 1/4 or 1/2 inch plexi as you can drill holes at the seams and screw them together with sealant, epoxy or gasket material of some sort thus creating a stronger seam. Good luck.

yeah thats what i figured, but it was just a thought and yeah i think i am gonna try this one eventually, when i ahve the money and time to test it, w/c is one thing but building a computer in water is another, gotta doo hell leak testes.

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