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The Worst Customer Support Ever


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Yes, Here is there online store where you buy support LINK, It's just unacceptable in my opinion. Some products cost as much $499 for 1 support call! For M-Audio they want $14.95 for one call.


Your experience, my friend, takes the cake. And I thought I had it bad for waiting 60+ minutes for customer support. :lol: Who would in their right minds buy from a company that offers no assistance? Correction. Offers assistance at a premium on top of the premium you have paid for their product. :rofl: This has got to be one of the biggest jokes ever.


Edit: Wow! Apple does it too? Steve Jobs would be rolling in his grave. Thank goodness I do not use Apple products. I am too informed to be sucker punched by them.

Edited by PremiumAcc

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I HATE to be the one that defends apple here as I am not a fan of their products at all. But the primary way Apple dose CS is though the genius bar.... I used it for a mac laptop I had once to find out the problem. First you have to sign up and make a appointment. Wait a few days for it. Then go into the store and wait a few hours. I believe I waited a whole hour at their store because they get backed up on appointments... The end result was that laptop that was dead and now I have a 9 year old think pad still going strong! (apple products life span not all the make it out to be...)


I my self do not like apple's way of handling it because I know my way around computers and if I have a problem it's simply because I got stuck on one thing and could continue fine once I get past the point. Hence their support is more of a hassle for me...


HOWEVER for the person who answers Dell :blink: when asked what their OS is thinks it great... Hence it's not for any one with basic knowledge of computers.

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