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Reasons for piracy


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I agree with Gabe's idea on how to reduce piracy, I think he is spot on and we said as much on yesterdays show. The way to curb piracy is not about laws but a change in the fiscal model used by the industries. However that being said the reasoning behind piracy is crap. People can come up with all the excuses they want but think about this, you are knowingly stealing for a movie, a song or a game or piece of software. We are not talking about stealing food to eat or something ti heat in the cold. We are not talking about needs but pure wants. When it comes to piracy the old saying applies, excuses are like bung holes, everyone has them and they all STINK!


People at the end of the day pirate for a single reason they feel they deserve something. They thing a company owes them the product or a lower price or other some such BS and then steal the item because they are not give what they are owed.


Now just for the record for years I was a huge pirate. I had massive collections of video games and music as well as more movies than I could ever watch. However I decided one day that all my excuses for doing this were not holding up and dumped it all to see if I was right. I have never looked back since and have missed nothing. My music needs are easily met by Pandora, my video needs I find I can easily meet with Hulu and Netflix. My gaming needs are simple to meet by waiting for sales, than you STEAM, or playing some of the many good F2P games out there. As for my productivity software, this is my job hence it is worth the effort for me to save for it to buy the best and I have. However even there I found great ways to legal buy at steep discounts.


While it is true the movie and music industry have blown up the impact of piracy out of proportion, the same level of truth exists that the computing world has minimized the impact out of proportional as well. Our tolerance of such behavior is just as bad as the draconian methods the music industry has tried to push through as laws onto us. We are as guilty as they in screwing this all up. See we can reduce piracy just as the industry can. They must change the way they think and get out of their old business model, accepting a mew model for distribution. We must also change the way we think, we must stop letting pirates think of themselves and our treating of them as funny little sub culture and call them what they are, thieves. We need to apply pier pressure to them and make it socially unacceptable for this kind of behavior and those two methods combined would greatly reduce piracy.


Now would it stop it? Of course not there is always a dung hole in the world that feels he is entitled to anything he wants and he can steal as he wishes. However can can curb the numbers to just the dung holes of the world.



if you can't afford it you probably don't need it. There are free alternatives to just about everything out there (without piratiing it). It may not be as easy to use but it's still better than stealing something (which is what piracy is).


Another reason people pirate stuff is because they're idiots and don't know it's illegal. I was at Clemson Univeristy and I had a guy tell me to just get something off optix (server of pirated stuff run by the students). I told him it was illegal and he honestly didn't think it was.

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but it's still better than stealing something (which is what piracy is).

No, no it's not.



Another reason people pirate stuff is because they're idiots and don't know it's illegal. I was at Clemson Univeristy and I had a guy tell me to just get something off optix (server of pirated stuff run by the students). I told him it was illegal and he honestly didn't think it was.

Optix has been dead for quite a while now...though I wonder who the heck you were talking to that thought it was legal. :lol:

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Stealing is not what we're discussing here. Thanks for playing. :cheers:



Also, just because I find this issue (and the "facts" that people post) hilarious, if stealing is always wrong - what if you have no money, no food, and kids to feed? What if your only option is to steal to live? Does that make you wrong?


Do you see why speaking in absolutes is a completely useless way to discuss something? ;)

Piracy is wrong any way you try and spin it.

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Piracy is wrong any way you try and spin it.

That's your opinion. I see nothing wrong in downloading a game that I already own. What could you possibly find wrong about that?

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No, no it's not.

If I didn't pay for something that someone else owns the rights to and I take it from them (yes, even a copy of it), then that is stealing. What is it to you?


Optix has been dead for quite a while now...though I wonder who the heck you were talking to that thought it was legal. :lol:

What happened to optix? And it was some guy in a business class. Probably a CS or engineering dropout.

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That's your opinion. I see nothing wrong in downloading a game that I already own. What could you possibly find wrong about that?


Okay lets clarify a position here, if you own the game and download it, not sure why you need to but okay then you do not consider that stealing. I might disagree in fact but agree with you in principle on this point. If however you did not buy the game and download it, or music or movie, is that stealing in your view?






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If I didn't pay for something that someone else owns the rights to and I take it from them (yes, even a copy of it), then that is stealing. What is it to you?

Copyright infringement, at most.



What happened to optix? And it was some guy in a business class. Probably a CS or engineering dropout.

The guy running it graduated, I think. :lol:

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Copyright infringement, at most.



AAHHH now the fun word play begins. You are using a legal definition that is used for court purposes. However the actual act of piracy is in fact a form of theft because you are taking and making use of property that you do not have a right to. Hence stealing. However feel free to try and justify crappy behavior anyway you like. However you are fooling no one, a thief is a thief.




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AAHHH now the fun word play begins. You are using a legal definition that is used for court purposes. However the actual act of piracy is in fact a form of theft because you are taking and making use of property that you do not have a right to. Hence stealing. However feel free to try and justify crappy behavior anyway you like. However you are fooling no one, a thief is a thief.



This again?


Theft implies that someone is deprived of something. Hypothetically, if I downloaded something, who am I depriving of what?


Definition of THEFT



a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it

b : an unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property


Now, how about you stop bringing theft into a discussion that does not involve it? :)

Edited by Waco

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