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Reasons for piracy


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I can think of at least three examples since Thanksgiving weekend that I downloaded something to sample and then ended up buying the full product. Two song's by two different artists that prompted me to purchase two of their most recent albums from Amazon. And one movie. I can also think of multiple instances in the last year where I've downloaded content, didn't like it so didn't spend my hard earned cash to "own" it myself.


Going back a little further to a certain game title, I bought two copies of the game retail (one for me and one for the daughter's computer). My daughter left both disks out of the game case and the wife's cat got a hold of them for an entire day. Hmmm, only solution after reformatting my main rig was to download "borrow" an electronic copy that was cracked and would play without the disk. Did I feel bad about that? No. Why? Because why make a stupid game that once you've installed it you still have to put a disk in to play?

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I can think of at least three examples since Thanksgiving weekend that I downloaded something to sample and then ended up buying the full product. Two song's by two different artists that prompted me to purchase two of their most recent albums from Amazon. And one movie. I can also think of multiple instances in the last year where I've downloaded content, didn't like it so didn't spend my hard earned cash to "own" it myself.


Going back a little further to a certain game title, I bought two copies of the game retail (one for me and one for the daughter's computer). My daughter left both disks out of the game case and the wife's cat got a hold of them for an entire day. Hmmm, only solution after reformatting my main rig was to download "borrow" an electronic copy that was cracked and would play without the disk. Did I feel bad about that? No. Why? Because why make a stupid game that once you've installed it you still have to put a disk in to play?

Honestly, I think you could have called the company up and explained how a cat tore up your two discs and they would have sent you two new copies just for the laugh. :lol:


I know we use that as an example all the time in these piracy threads, dog chewed it up, cat scratched it, but I never actually heard of a real case of that until now.

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Technically it was my own fault. LIke anything else I should have done a better job of taking care of the disks. But I didn't........................


Seems to me I can think of one more example too. Don't remember the exact game title but it was one that we were all playing via Hamachi (back in the DFI/DIY days). For some reason the retail version of the game just wouldn't play on Hamachi. We all owned the retail version of the game, but the only version we could play on Hamachi was a cracked "borrowed" version that we all downloaded online.

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