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I5 750 OC questions


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I recently replace the stock heater to a Hyper212EVO, on a i5 750 and mobo Gigabyte P55-UD4(F9 bios) - and decided to do some OC now when I max temp reduced by 20C, and idle about 10C lower (current max torture is about 56C and idle 24C).

Did some OC in the past with my old DFI board but feel pretty much as a noob today:/ - My aim is not to reach highest possible, more to get a stable long lasting boost.


I read some guides for this CPU and tried a little OC, I have only stayed with default volt settings for now and just upper the frequency to about 3.2 GHz (so far only to familiarize with bios all settings), noticed it do not clock down idle-


1. This function that CPU is able to clock down idle is this something that should work even for overclocked or is it natural that it stopped working? and is it something to aim for?


2. How important is idle temps? What is normal idle temp?


3. Is there a locked ability for my i5 750 to be able on turbo to go up to multiplyer 23.5x? Background for question, the CPU has the max multiplier 20x and with boost 21x but since I changed Cooler and played around in Bios and moved back to optimized default it appear to run 23.5x in some application like SuperPi and some of the tests in Prime95( most show 21x). Is this something to Hurray or worry about?


Thanks for answers.

Edited by spider71

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Are you sure about your temps? IIRC my 750 didn't idle that low and it was under water.


The max multi you can use while overclocking is 21.


Idle temps aren't really important at all. It's load that matters.


The power saving function that downclocks the chip is able to remain on after an overclock. :)

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Are you sure about your temps? IIRC my 750 didn't idle that low and it was under water.


The max multi you can use while overclocking is 21.


Idle temps aren't really important at all. It's load that matters.


The power saving function that downclocks the chip is able to remain on after an overclock. :)

The pemps was relative to wht he had before, not absolute numbers...


@op have you disabled speedstep? that is the function responsible for clocking down on idle. Most people disables it to get marginally higher benchmark scores (in guides etc.)

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Are you sure about your temps? IIRC my 750 didn't idle that low and it was under water.


The max multi you can use while overclocking is 21.


Idle temps aren't really important at all. It's load that matters.


The power saving function that downclocks the chip is able to remain on after an overclock. :)


Thanks for answers,


My post was little unclear concerning temps so I edit it,it runs to be precise 24C idle and 55C load blend test prime95 (whit one stock fan).


Concerning the multiplier am I confused because I know max should be 21x, but check picture(in a middle of a test)...same multiplier do I get in cpuZ , and when I run Prime95 benche test but not when I run the other torturetests.


Well it sounds good to know it is possible to have the CPU to be able to clock down idle once it is OC, worse is that I haven't success to achive this:(


Taco..., I haven't found speedstep in bios but will look for it or a eqvivalent function.


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I'd just ignore the odd multi. You won't be able to use it in your OC.


Speedstep might be under CPU configuration.


Tested it and it worked it clock down idle now after OC, thanks.


Did a small OC (3,35GHZ), temps get little higher then excpected when I run Prime, max was 68C on one of the test...what temps can be acceptable for this stress tests assuming real gaming never reach this level of stress?

Edited by spider71

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