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Major help needed with AHCI/RAID drivers


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okay, to make a long story short, I uninstalled the AMD drivers and forgot to uncheck the RAID/AHCI driver and now I can't get windows to load. I get a BSOD 7B which I know is the HDD driver issue with SATA drives.


The bigger issue is that I am over 1000 miles away from home at my inlaws and this was going to make me not bored. Also that means all I have is a windows CD and the Motherboard Drivers disk.


Is there a way to re-enable/install the driver with out being able to load windows? On a side note, it appears that my raid broke at the same time. So now I have a RAID 10 with a missing drive, which I don't think is as big a deal.


So please can someone help me get this driver loaded.


Things I have tried: Safe mode, and booting from the Windows 7 CD then loading the driver from the motherboard cd but when I do that, the windows 7 install isn't detected so I can not use system restore.

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So in my panic I didn't try using last known good configuration, (which for me never works anyways) but this time it did! although my wireless Kb and Mouse don't work. Fortunaly I have a PS2 one handy and it is working. I am installing the driver now, wish me luck.

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How did it go?



Sorry I got busy with being at the inlaws. So I was able to go into the computer with last known..... It worked but I had major USB issues. So after getting the HDD back by installing the drivers, I had to do a system restore to before I uninstalled them then upgrade them or my USB wouldn't work. Very odd. But I am back to normal. Also I think my 1 HDD being broken from raid was a fluke. I was able to rebuild my raid with the drive it said was bad.


All is well now. thanks for the concern.

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